"Vocals should not rattle the woofer." True or False?

SouthSIDE Glen said:
I was hoping to be a prickly old forum regular. Once again I missed my target.

Now if you'll excuse me, my monitors smell like a leg of lamb...


I'm on my way over. Beer or wine? :D

(sorry, couldn't resist. Carry on. Nothing to see here.)
fraserhutch said:
Now THAT is a quote worthy of Walters!
Oh man, now what'cha have to go and insult me like that for??? Even my gravy isn't creamy and milky smooth... ;)

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Dogman said:
I'm on my way over. Beer or wine? :D

(sorry, couldn't resist. Carry on. Nothing to see here.)
Nothing but Colonel Rippers to drink here (grain alchohol and rain water).


Oh brother, I must be bored...time to get outside for a while...
SouthSIDE Glen said:
Any rule of thumb that has you judging your mix by LOOKING at your monitors instead of LISTENING to them is about as worthwhile as one that has you smelling them instead of listening to them.

noisedude said:

Next week - If my cake sounds muffled does that mean it's overcooked?

No. It means it's over compressed. Try a limiter with a touch of chorus.
SouthSIDE Glen said:
Any rule of thumb that has you judging your mix by LOOKING at your monitors instead of LISTENING to them is about as worthwhile as one that has you smelling them instead of listening to them.


You know.. it always seems like it's only a matter of time before you get a smart ass remark from someone around here.. ::sigh::

Anyways like I said before (if you were to read the entire thread).. I OBVIOUSLY MIX WITH MY EARS AND NOT MY EYES.. BUT this is just another way to help in the mixing of vocals.. for me. If you don't agree.. don't do it.
scarboro78 said:
You know.. it always seems like it's only a matter of time before you get a smart ass remark from someone around here.. ::sigh::

Anyways like I said before (if you were to read the entire thread).. I OBVIOUSLY MIX WITH MY EARS AND NOT MY EYES.. BUT this is just another way to help in the mixing of vocals.. for me. If you don't agree.. don't do it.

My apologoies if my post came off somding smart-assed. That was not how I intended it. I was, actually trying to be "matter of fact" and serious about it.

The degree of "usefullness" to that idea of watching the speaker elements on one's monitor varies from "marginally useful" to "totally useless" depending on the make and model of monitor one is using. I'm not just saying that to be trite or smart assed.

For example, my HR824 monitors are of the characteristic where if I was able to see the bass elements move on vocals, they'd be so loud that the people on the 737s flying on approach over my house to Midway Airport would be wondering what all the racket was and my neighbors down at the end of the block would be replacing all their lead crystal.

On the other hand I've seen someone using for monitors some inexpensive and old Optimus three ways (or were they 2-ways? I forget for sure now) that he cannibalized from his old stereo system. The 6-inch woofers on these things had such a loose action on them that you could see them rattling like they were in an earthquake just from playing professionally-mastered commerical recording of a grand piano at 70dB.

I did read your post, including the part about your using the "visual method" as an augmentation to your primary method of using you ears. If it works for you and your setup, more power to you my friend. "Whatever works, as long it does no harm to others" are words that I live by. If it works for you, then keep doing it, by all means; and I won't get on you for doing so.

But as a general rule or "tip" for others, I'd personally - and it's just my opinion, I admit -take it or leave it FWThatsW - I'd advise that there are so many caveats, questions and misdirections attached to it as to render it a "bad tip" to offer for general consumption. Nothing personal intended.

SouthSIDE Glen said:

I did read your post, including the part about your using the "visual method" as an augmentation to your primary method of using you ears. If it works for you and your setup, more power to you my friend. "Whatever works, as long it does no harm to others" are words that I live by. If it works for you, then keep doing it, by all means; and I won't get on you for doing so.

But as a general rule or "tip" for others, I'd personally - and it's just my opinion, I admit -take it or leave it FWThatsW - I'd advise that there are so many caveats, questions and misdirections attached to it as to render it a "bad tip" to offer for general consumption. Nothing personal intended.


Hi Glen,

Thanks for the response. Agreed it was misunderstanding, no hard feelings man. As far as the monitors are concerned.. you're right. There are a lot of different variables that go into judging vocals this way. But like I said, I use this as an addition to what I do already as far as mixing is concerned, so it's not the end-all for me. And I do switch back and forth between my two sets of monitors to get a couple of different point of views.

But like I said before, if you try it and works for you, great.. if not well hey.. nothing lost.

hmmm, I like to get so close to the mic I am practically touching it, however I dont sing DIRECTLY into it, so the air from my mouth doesnt touch the mics element.

the reason I do this, is it sounds much more intimate than if you sing say 4 inches away.

just make sure you set you input volumes appropriatly.

I dont use a pop filter, although the mic has a built in pop suspressor... dont have problems with this, since I am not directly singing into the mic.

Id say, it also depends on what you monitoring with...

What type of monitor, size of woofer and crossover points make this question impossible to answer...
React said:
maybe you got a deeeeeeep ass voice :D

lol.. its not me its my brother. But the problem is he has a real laid back style which forces me to push the pre to get his volume up to tracking levels therefore picking up more of that low-end crap. I'm doing my best with it though. :D