Vocals, Reverb,Chours..Which type and how much?


New member
HI,......I am wondering if anybody could shed some light on my vocal questions. I am recording modern rock, and some heavier stuff and was wondering what is a good vocal reverb and how can i tell when enough is enough? and the same applies to the Chours effect? U got any suggestions?.............and this may be totally out of this forum, but What about the aggresive vocals u here on the newer bands, I'm not talkin' about slipknot aggresive, i'm talkin' about Trust Company and 12 Stones,etc. Any body know where i can go for some free advice on acheiveing that power in my voice?........thx.
i remember some good threads around hear awhile back......use the search function and you should be able to find some good stuff..........one thing i've done is used a subltle delay instead reverb for loud rock songs.....it keeps the immediacy of the voice better than reverb sometimes.....give that a try
Yeah, you should try that... Verb (if not only early refl) tends to mudden things up too much.

You can even try one thing (if you have a DAW): use the delay as insert, get the right level via the direct/effect mix and use compression a lot on this track. The result will be a ducking delay that comes up preferably in breaks of the singing... You'll have to tweak the delay and the comp a lot to get the right amount, though...

And: always set your delay time according to the song tempo. A quarter note or an eights often works nice, just TWO repeats, one left with an eights one a quarter later worked nice for me... You just have to care that it's almost 'inaudible' cause it'll create a lot of 'false' notes that you shouldn't hear as dissonances. But it gives that nice 'openinng the roof' feeling...

That is one of the $60,000 questions in mixing.

All I will say is to remember that a little goes a LONG way....
I agree, now that i've looked at the situation. Delay does seem much more suitable than alot of reverb. I just wanted to get rid of that "singing in a tunnel" vibe out of my vocals. I also didn't want them to sound just bone dry. Thx for the suggestions fellas and keep em' coming!!
I always read about singers using reverb and delay. Does anyone use any chorus on their vox? I personally like how my vox sound with a little chorus instead of reverb. To me, a lot of hard rock and metal singers cocals sound so wet it seems like chorus. Is it uncommon to use chorus on vocals?
I sing metal, and I use a mild amount of chorus for pretty much my default effect. If you listen to just about every metal song, they double their screams, and sometimes even triple track them. I like the way chorus makes my voice sound, but then again, it's different for everyone... you just gotta try it out, but don't make any effect too obvious. Drowning in effects makes other people's ears hurt, the best effect you can ever have is your own voice, practice on that with vocal coach tapes/videos (even if you're metal, you'd be surprised at what it can do). Good luck.