Vocal tips/first mp3 post


New member

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So I'm having a lot of trouble getting to get vocal tracks to have that warm, immediate feel to it. I've tried all sorts of EQ, reverb, and mic placement, but it still sounds kind of sterile and square to my ears. I'm hoping it's my room, which I'm going to start treating next week, when I have more time. If not, then how the heck do I fix it?!

I use a Rode NT1A going into my Saffire interface

Oh, and dont mind the instruments. We DI'd them simultaneously in two takes (our bassist forgot the chords on the first take), since we only needed a rough recording. A little EQ and that's all, really.

Thanks for the help!
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Hmmmm....tough to say. A bassy vocal can be accomplished by singing really close to the mic (proximity effect). Your vocal is good. Not sure exactly what you're looking for but proximity does work.
I was thinking the same thing, but when I tried putting the mic closer, I had plosive issues. pop filter time, I suppose?