vocal producing Question???


New member
anyone with vocal knowledge can help even if its not your genre on this one. Right now im into the vocal producing of R an B as well as hip hop/rap and i have protools with the mbox, as well as the avox antares vocal plugins ect. I use compressors so it sits in the mix a little more, and voice doubling techniques, but for some reason 1/20 times voice doubling sounds like it doubled good and others it just sounds goofy, (there on Q exactly but dont make that good harmony effect for emphasis used in rap, (like ludacris) and sometimes the vocals dont sound like they sit in the mix very well??? what makes the vocals just feel alive and apart of the song an not just feel like its a kareoke machine standing out??? thanks fer all input
Take it from someone who does a shitload of vocal stacking (me), it could be a performance issue. If you're going for the effect I think you're going for, each stack or double needs to be performed as identical as humanly possible. This means timing and pitch. In R&B, this type of thing seperates ametures from professionals. You MUST GET YOUR PITCH & TIMING RIGHT or you won't get the effect I think you're going for.

If it's a mix issue, it's most likely to do with panning and/or EQ. "Incorrect"<<~~subjective~~ compression is less likely but still possible.

If it's backing vocals, your panning needs to be equally distributed hard left and right: if you stacked 4 tracks of the same vocal part, 2 need to go hard left (with a little seperation between the two) and the other 2 need to go right.

If EQ is the issue I really need to know what you're getting at before I advise you on that type of thing...
Oh yea...for backing vocals, your auto tune settings will be very important, but again, this depends on what you're going for.
you hit it on the spot.

Great Performance, EQ, Compression/fx. getting it to sit well in the stereo spectrum.
Sometimes a good timed delay on one of the takes.
nothing beats real doubling... but if ya cant get the talent to do too many takes try this... take your best 3... best one centered... and the other layed slightly L-R... run 2-3 through a doubler program and pan them to the opposite side and slightly outside the others.... make sense???