
im still scrounging up enough money to buy my first condensor pair. and ive been looking high and low and too all sorts of brands. Ive had my eye on the AT3525 for some reason it caught me in MARS in the vocal booth while talking and singing into it. It also has great features and a quasishockmount. yesterday while trying to use my "im the youngest child, im the baby buy me everything" charm with my mom i convinced her to go to MARS with me. I had her sing into different mics, could you believe it, she picked the U87 to be the best! didnt show her prices though. Anyway so i had her sing into all sorts of mics and me sing it turns out for what they had in the about $200 rpice range the AT3525 came first. I agreed as well. maybe if i got her liking the U87 she would buy me a pair of those :) hehe.. anyway, i dont think i have the charm anymore, or she is working against it, i didnt get the mics. ack, have to save more up.
Whoa, hey, whoa! I just want to be totally clear - I do NOT sound like Jeff Buckley, but rather he's an influence. I dare not step to the master. :)

Nice work at that link Ryan, and I was *very* impressed with the vocal sound; very good song, too. The Rode seems to be the default around here. I think at this point I've decided that I cannot in good conscience buy without a listen to one or more of them, even if I have to drive 200 miles to do it. There are too many informed yet conflicting opinions to decide solely on recommendations.

Thanks very much to everyone - even narrowing it down to three is a step in the right direction for me.

buy a bottle of JD. the bigger the better. get smashed and pretend/talk about recording. hehehehe. <u>XX</u>
Just purchased Nt-2 from GC. I think
it is worth the xtra 120.00 to get the bass roll off & -.10db especially for a tenor. I run i through a DBX286
pre and even though it is not as "clean" as my AKG4000B it's coloration is cool on heavier themes
It may not seem like a big deal, but that -10db feature seems to open up the mic prescence without clipping which has been tricky for me to do.
Iddy Biddy
P.s. Zzounds has the Nt2 for 320.00
or G.C. Will match the price
I've Said It A ? # Of Xs

If your local store will ever let you, listen to 5 different MXL 2001s and 5 different NT-1s, and if you're lucky, 5 different AKG mics of the same model. You'll have the understanding of QC. THAT is what it ALL comes down to. I've not heard as many completely different opinions on completely different sides of the spectrum as I have on the MXL 2001; the Rode NT-1 MAY be next (but NOT ANYWHERE near the MXL 2001).

Yes, the pre CAN greatly influence the results. The Mackie VLZ PRO pres is what I consider "minimum transparent pre quality". The ART Tube MP pre is what I consider "minimum colored pre quality". The quality of the preamp WILL/CAN/DOES sigificantly and CAN GREATLY affect the quality AND frequency response out of a microphone.
You don't hear a lot about the NT2 here.
NT1 of course and NTV. Is it a really good contender for the price? I like the KSM32, TLM103, NTV, and CAD E series.
I don't get to hear the Octava or Marshall here. Yeah it sounded good on the Christina Abbot, but as I said before, I
have made a Sm57 sound great on vocals through my Envoice.
I have my hunch the preamp did the work there. Ok don't come down on me all you Marshallians, but does anyone know what her voice sounds like dry to track .....no. Until then can't be critical. If you own a Marshall and like it cool.
Keep you're ears open to other mics too though. You may be surprised.

No bad mail please.......JUST MY OPINION

[Edited by Ears on 10-14-2000 at 10:39]
Well, price concerns made my decision in the end. I couldn't find anyone anywhere near here that stocked anything but the AT3525, and I decided against driving all over the place after all. :)

But I really liked the sound of the NT1 on a number of recordings I heard, so I was gonna go with that, but ZZounds doesn't stock it anymore - this happened within the last day or two :(. However, Zzounds is dropping prices on anything they have in stock, and they have the AT3525 in stock. I got it for $160 shipped, which seemed to me like a pretty fine deal for a brand new mic.

I should also mention that if anyone here is looking for an AT4033aSM, Zzounds quoted me $300 +shipping on it, which according to the saleswoman is $3 above cost. I wanted to go with this, but $300 is just a little more than I can spend right now - ~$150-200 is what I was shooting for.

If your happy Brennan that's the main thing.

It's true yes of the pre. I have the Envoice, and also own the MP Art and HAD A mACKIE although not VLZPro. The only thing is that you introduce phase inaccuracies if you eq to bring the mic life. Not true sound. I definitely hear the difference. Same reason I don't eq my nearfiled monitors.
I'm sure you agree that unaltered signal, that does not need eq is by far the best. Especially one take after another.

When I have a vocalist with a bit of midrange I sometimes use omni. It's that natural eq that you are talking about.