Vocal mic for 3-6 foot range?


New member

Need to record male narration in a live sound setting. Guy has fairly large dynamic range -- no late night FM DJ here -- but no understanding of mic technique or interest in learning so many of the usual suspects are out.

I'd like something I can stick on a boom a few feet back that will be (i) reasonably balanced and not too thin when used further out (ii) not subject to much proximity effect as the guy moves in and out a foot or two as he gets into his lines and (iii) tight pattern to reject room noise.

I'm thinking an electro voice N/D series might be my best bet. Any comments or suggestions?
Thanks for the reply.

I've used lavaliers with him. They do work adequately, but not excellently because of the inherent problems of lavalier's being placed in an unnatural place for picking up the voice. I want to get more of that NPR type sound, but can't keep an RE-20 in his face if he'g going to be moving it (the face) all over the place.
The new DPA miniatures do a great job for those kinds of applications.

Check out the DPA 4066 with the headband system.

The Three Tenors use these mics, and they and their crew like them so much that they did away with the other on-stage mics, and just use the 4066's.

I've had one for a few months and have used it for public speakers. Does a brilliant job, especially of you run it through a good mic pre.

Dan Richards
Digital Pro Sound
The Listening Sessions
I've never used the DPA 4066 before... but, I think Dot's headset mic idea is a very good idea.
Try a choir mic on a stand

The small choir mics are designed to be used at a distance. Lot's of punch in a small package. I have used them very successfully on lecterns etc.