Vocal help


New member
Here's the retracked vocal version of a song I posted earlier, now I need help with the vox.

I need to know if they mesh well with the rest of the recording. I can't tell if they feel too harsh or not.

The background instruments are a bit dynamic in nature and her voice is not so much, so I need to know if she gets too buried or too loud compared to the instruments.

Any other comments always welcome of course.

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I'm listening right now. Great voice. I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding what she's saying at times. And her voice does get a bit consumed at the 0:19 mark. I'd grab for the volume envelopes first.

Any time there is a big movement in music, her vocal just gets knocked to the back. Try carving some room for her voice with a bit of EQ. But my first reaction would be to throw down some automation on the volume of the instrumentation.

There are also some parts where I'm really wanting to hear some doubled vocal things. You might try that to give it some presence in some key spots. Also, the vocal, overall, could use a bit of a boost.

Enjoyed the tune.
hey thanks. yeah, I'll try some more automation. i was a bit worried of using it in a way that would make it sound awkward with everything changing levels through the song, but I think it's a tool I need more practice with. I'll try that tonight.
Yep, some automation of the instruments volume, some head scratching, plenty of EQing but also, some clever automated panning of the instruments will not only allow more room for her vocal but, will also do wonders for the beautiful music.
It sounds like a very challenging yet, very rewarding project. Good luck with it mate...

ok, I think this mix is a lot better, but I want everyone's opinion. I brought out a lot more midrange in the vocals, and I think it sits better and cuts through better too. I also backed off of the HPF a bit because I think the last one was a bit too aggressive.

Thoughts? What should I change now?

I think that last one is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.

Do you mind to share the chain you used on vocals. Sounds so silky smooth. Lovely.
MXL 990 through mackie VLZ preamp into a Delta-66.

I find that the MXL 990 has a hyped high and low end and very little midrange, so I gave it a dip around 11kHz, a high pass at 150Hz, and a little wide boost around 1.5kHz.

That was supposed to be my backup mic, but the other mic I used (which is cheaper, but I like the sound better) was intermittent, probably due to dust in my mixing board. I'm glad I had a backup mic going.
MXL 990 through mackie VLZ preamp into a Delta-66.

I find that the MXL 990 has a hyped high and low end and very little midrange, so I gave it a dip around 11kHz, a high pass at 150Hz, and a little wide boost around 1.5kHz.

That was supposed to be my backup mic, but the other mic I used (which is cheaper, but I like the sound better) was intermittent, probably due to dust in my mixing board. I'm glad I had a backup mic going.

I'm impressed! I had a 990 and I tossed it. I hated it. Now I wonder if I could have given it a little more love and try it a couple more times. LOL.
ah crap. you should have mentioned it 3 minutes ago. I just did another mixdown and I forgot I need to sustain that longer.