Vocal eq


New member
This probably belongs in the newbie area but . . .

Can someone send me to a good thread or give me some help regareding eq for vocals? I am recording on a VS 840 and not really sure how best to tweak the vocals. I know it's probably different depending on the singer but thought some one may have some base line settings for me.
The one instrument the human ear seems most sensitive to EQ'ing is the voice. We know what a voice sounds like, and altering it too much can be very audible. Adding a little top end to give it more "air" and maybe a steep low cut filter at the proper place should be just about all you want. If its too bassy, back off the mic a little.
...while that's true, very subtle adjustments can go a very long way. A very slight boost can make them sound more intelligible, or a slight cut let the instruments or backup vocs breathe. There is no preset formula, but I'd do a search on "mixing vocals" in this site, and you'll get a lot of good info. Take tubedude's advice, though ...remember less is more.
Thanks, but

Thanks for the input, now in english please. I think I know what you mean regarding top end but I have no idea about the steep low cut filter. When it comes to eq terminology I am the ultimate newbie.
What mic, what pre, who's singing, room acoustics, how for was singer from mic....?

These are only a few of the things that affect the sound of vocals...

Don't answer any of them, cause im not asking, but Im more or less stating what variables affect recorded vocals......

You should listen to some commercial cd's and find a vocal that you like and just try and mimic it with eq.... Not too hard....

Keep fiddling and you'll find it, and you will keep that formula for all your vocals.....

I rarely touch eq on vocals.... I do mine all flat... But then and again, im running mine through $4500 worth of gear before it hits the console and recorder...

you may not need $4500 worth of gear, but you will need a decent mic and pre along with good mic technique to pull off a good vocal.....

correctly recorded, vocals rarely require much EQ....if anything, you should be EQ'ing the stuff around the vocals to keep them from stepping on it, leaving a more natural vocal sound......

tubedudes first 2 sentences pretty much summed it up.....
Gidge said:

correctly recorded, vocals rarely require much EQ....if anything, you should be EQ'ing the stuff around the vocals to keep them from stepping on it, leaving a more natural vocal sound......

Sort of the point I was making, but the way Gidge said it made a heck of a lot more sense..


and Listerine twice a day will help you out with that little problem...and floss , for Gods sake......
Me Like the tase of rotten tarter... In fact My teeth have all grown together in one continuous band of tarter, with a greenish tinge.....

My tongue oozes pus.......

I don't think my liver can handle the poison much longer.....

AHHHHHHH "Bg Drops dead"

Actually, my name is very Ironic cause I actually have perfect teeth and I go to the dentist every 4 months..
Although the wife bitches that it costs too much.......:)

Bleeding Gums was some Jazz guy on TheSimpsons.....

When hard pressed to come up with a handle, that was what popped into my head first....

I am sort of regretting it lately... Im worried people my think my gums really do bleed...... :D