Vocal EQ/Hum


New member
I've got a Porta studio with2 EQ controls for low & Hi that I believe cover 100hz and 10khz repectively. While this is limited can anyone a) advise the best settings for vocal recording and b) explain how these knobs work? Do cuts/boosts only effect these two frequencies?

Also one major problem I can't seem to resolve is this low hum or drone that occurs only during vocals. I'm just singing without instruments about 10" away from the mike. Upon play back the backround sound is clean and free of this hum, but as soon as the voice kicks in, there's an drone sound that stops when the singing does. On playback it's more assoc with the woofer in the bass unit of my suroundsound system I'm using with the porta studio. Adjusting the low tone EQ all the way down still does not eliminate the problem.

Any suggestions or comparable stories?
a) they often told me that vocals is something you better not use much EQ'ing on if you have a good mic. The voice is something very specific, so fiddling with it makes it quickly sound unnatural. A bit of low cutting and maybe some extra precense may come in handy.

I suppose you haven't got a compressor, but compressing vocals is more legio, and can make the difference

b) I don't know the porta 02 very well, but I suppose it just shelves, that means he starts with this frequency and boasts or decreases the following (or previous for the 100Hz) gradually. how that is calculated depends on the Q.

'bout the hum, what mic are you using? Cheap mics often can cause hum, usually between the 50-150 vHz I believe.
Thanks for the input. Could you re-explain my question b)? I'm not sure what you mean by: "that means he starts with this frequency and boasts or decreases the following (or previous for the 100Hz) gradually. how that is calculated depends on the Q."

I'm using an AudioTecnica Vocal Mic that costs about $125 and is comparable to the Shure 57. The problem is not a constant hum, but instead a "low frequency Drone" for lack of a better word. This only comes and goes with the vocals. When there is no voice there is no "drone"
The EQ will basically start cutting at that freq and increasingly cut the freq above or below that point.

The hum problem is pretty weird. Can you post a clip?
Sorry if my post was confusing. TexRoadkill has it right (of course): the Eq starts cutting or boasting above or below that point (below at 100, above at 10kHZ). The amount it goes up or down depends on the dB you add or decrease and the curve it makes depends on your Q.

I have no explenation for that hum though, it couldn't be the mic.... Stupid question, but you don't sing too close to the mic do you? do you use a pop screen?

stupid questions, and likely not the cause of your problem, but you never know...