VM 200 Mixer

G-String said:
Anyone have any experience with this mixer? I'm thinking of buying one used.

The Fostex mixers are generally excellent. There are some reviews via Future Music magazine...
I have one and love it. $150 is a steal. Most go in the $300 and up range.

The real beauty is to use it as a PC DAW controller.
JR#97 said:
I have one and love it. $150 is a steal. Most go in the $300 and up range.

The real beauty is to use it as a PC DAW controller.

Yea, I like that idea. You can't use it as A PC DAW controller unless you have ADAT in, correct? Or can you? I don't have ADAT in, do you have any ideas?
I use Delta 66. All Analog inputs.
G-String said:
Yea, I like that idea. You can't use it as A PC DAW controller unless you have ADAT in, correct? Or can you? I don't have ADAT in, do you have any ideas?
I use Delta 66. All Analog inputs.

It's the MIDI i/o that allows for the daw control. You don't even need to have any audio running through it to control the daw.
O.K. I don't have MIDI on the Delta cards, but I have it on the Soundblaster
card. (I've not had any experience on MIDI-just Analog) I think you've given me A good idea though. I think I'm going to carry this thread over to "Computer recording and soundcards"
Yea, I bought the Mixer. It is in excellent condition and I got it for $100.00.
For once I bought something and feel good about what I spent on it.
that's a killer deal! good job. search this forum for instructions on how sync up the vm200 to cubase or nuendo. i also think someone made a sonar/cakewalk interface as well.
Saturday December 24 2005

I am using the Universal Control Surface (UCS) plug-in to control Sonar 4 with a Fostex VM200.

The VM200_UCS.zip file and other UCS docs can be obtained at

(((This group discusses the development of the "UCS", a universal control surface
being developed by Marc(mbncp). The UCS is an advanced full duplex control
surface for use with Cakewalk Sonar. UCS is in the early stages,
a beta test version is expected soon. )))

NOTE: Only ONE preset is available. This is the UCS_beta3.ini file.
Backup this file before changing.

FOR MACRO'S ONLY: rename the UCS_beta3.ini file
Rename the macros only UCS_beta3.ini file to UCS_beta3.ini

The UCS is also a MACRO editor / player: NOT a recorder.
However, lottsa stuff can be controlled by hot-keys, and by assigning a MIDI controller to a Macro.

UCS Help 1003d WordPad format.doc for Sonar parameters: TransportTime, TransportState,...
Command Actions for Sonar 3 PE.txt, Command Actions for Sonar 4 PE.txt for menu items,...
And: review the INI and other docs for examples.


The included example Sonar project file has 32 audio tracks and 16 busses.
More of each can be added. Including Midi tracks.

Note::: This setup works with existing projects.
32 tracks, 16 buses are NOT required to use the included vm200 INI configuration.

A macro can be added in the ini to switch Bus Banks if more that 16 buses.
And the UCS dialog can be used to switch banks.

Note: if there are not a matching number of tracks/buses, switching banks will
result in the VM200's fader 16 controlling the last track/bus.

Sometimes Bus16 does not respond. This is intermittent.

During testing (changing stuff a lot) Sonar sometimes lost the midi in port. Do not know why.
If this happens, enable the midi port connected to the VM200.
Then Click Options | Control Surfaces, double click UCS and select the proper MIDI port.


The included INI file is configured to control:

Sonar Tracks: (in VM200 channel mode)

Send 1 volume (in VM200 effect 1 mode)
Send 2 volume (in VM200 effect 2 mode)

Sonar Buses: (in VM200 channel mode)

Send 1 volume (in VM200 effect 1 mode)
Send 2 volume (in VM200 effect 2 mode)

Fostex Master (red) Fader in channel mode
Sonar Master Volume

Fostex Master (red) fader when in various modes (not enabled/assigned in current INI file)
Aux1 Master Volume
Aux2 Master Volume
Aux3 Master Volume
Aux4 Master Volume
Effect1 Master Volume
Effect2 Master Volume

Fostex Master Channel ON button switches between the track and bus panes.

NOT enabled in this ini:

Channels 17- 20 do work. But the effects sends are confusing:
Channels 17-18 Effect1 send does not work
Channels 19-20 Effect2 send does not work

The faders/pan controls/Chan On/Off could be configured to do other stuff: EQ maybe. I have not attempted this.

MACROS: current macros in INI file

Shift + Windows + U
Open the UCS dialog, load default ini file

Shift + Windows + Left Arrow
Move Track Bank left

Shift + Windows + Right Arrow
Move Track Bank right

Shift + Windows + Up Arrow
Control Tracks

Shift + Windows + Down Arrow
Control Buses

Shift + Windows + i
Insert new audio track
Then: Display Name, Inputs, and Outputs dialogs
Set input monitoring on
Arm for recording

Shift + Windows + d
insert new MIDI track
Then: Display Name, Channel, Outputs, Bank, and Patch dialogs
Arm for recording



Expand the VM200.zip file to the c:\ root folder.
This will create these folders:
And copy all the files to these folders

VM200 setup:

Set Transmit and Receive to Channel 16
Set Control change RX and TX to ON
Set System EX RX and TX to ON
Set Program Change to Table 02

Current Scene Status
Set Add Aux to ON
Set smoothing to level 1

Set all Channel On/Off buttons to OFF

Save this Scene.
(If ya want, do a bulk dump to a MIDI library program for quick reset.)


UCS setup:

Double click the "Register.bat" file in the c:\AudioCommon\UCS folder.
(Do this only once.)

Note: The C:\AudioCommon folder is where I install programs and shared content I want quick access to without having to explore to an annoyingly buried folder. E.G., C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Sonar4\shared content\templates\,....

Also: I have installed programs such as Sonar1,2,3,4 to folders in the C: folder: i.e., C:\Sonar1, C:\Sonar2, etc.,...

Open Sonar
Load the "32 channels 16 buses.cwp" file in the c:\AudioCommon\UCS folder.

Click: Options | Control Surfaces
Add the UCS
choose MIDI In / Out ports connected to the VM200
click OK to exit dialogs

Press Shift + Windows + U
To open the UCS dialog, and load default ini file.
(Only 1 preset at this time.)

(If this does not work:
Click Tools | UCS
Click Edit
Click File | Save and Update
Click X to close editor.)

Test controls.

SaveAs to use with new project.

This setup works with existing projects. But, you may have to
Press Shift + Windows + U
To open the UCS dialog, and load default ini file.


Reference: VM200's manual, page 212, for Midi messages sent by the VM200.

message 32 not used
messages 9 - 104 not used

The VM200 does NOT send Fostex System Exclusive messages as stated on page 217.

Well, this sounds like a nice little add-on to my setup. Congrats on your VM200 setup. I've been using one for a few years now. I had manually setup a default template for Sonar back in the beginning, and still use it to this day. It is configured to match my sound card's capabilities, such that I can mix up to 18 channels individually (8+8+2) using just the VM200...VM200 channel 1 controls Sonar Channel 1....an each track in Sonar represents the channel sequentially, with percussion on the first 7 tracks, then vocals...then guitars and bass... Most of my recording tends to be in live situations.

I am intrigued by this new universal plugin, though....it might be more efficient... My setup is great for mixing, once the tracks are recorded. The rest of the time, I just use it as a mixer for our practice sessions, which is also great...it has some ok effects.

Anyway, enjoy the new toy!