Vista and pro-tools 7.4

I'm using Vista SP1 with PT 7.4, 003R and an MBox 2 and HP laptop - I am having no problems with either system. I don't know what all the fuss is about - seriously.

Get with the times.

You can't be serious... it's annoying as hell everytime you open a program that you have used time and time again, to only have it tell you that it requires authorization to run. I'm all for innovation, but that's crazy.

Surely there must be an option in Vista to switch off the "babysitting" features? I can't stand how much babysitting their is in XP; all these horror stories from Vista users have certainly put me off switching; though I see absolutely no need to switch anyway.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Surely there must be an option in Vista to switch off the "babysitting" features? I can't stand how much babysitting their is in XP; all these horror stories from Vista users have certainly put me off switching; though I see absolutely no need to switch anyway.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it

Yes you can turn off the UAC, but guess what... the UAC bugs you to death stating that it has been turned off... It's in the control panel under users.
Vista said:
Well I'm pleased to say I've been error free for nearly a week. Well I'm pleased to say I've been error free for nearly a week. Well I'm pleased to say I've been error free for nearly a week. Well I'm pleased to say I've been error free for nearly a week.


I think it takes the piss that the operating system is controlling you. It should totally be the other way around.

Have you gone into msconfig and switched off the prompts?