"virtual track" count on D1624 still EIGHT????


How are you all going with 2.02 ?? The features sound great, but most importantly is stability OK on D1624 mk1 hardware?? If so, can someone please advise where I can acquire the update file?

BTW - Thanks in advance you guys - I found the infor(u)med discussion here made my decision much easier (to buy or not to buy !!) and I really like my new 2nd hand multi-tracker! I just got my unit and it's got 1.05 firmware loaded, but is in really nice order. I'm planning to do Skippys fan mod and also get an ADAT PCI card for PC mixdowns - is anyone using the ST Audio card?

BTW, has anyone had the flash update process fail!?! It looks to me like a trip back to Fostex is required if this happens.