Virgin Submission


New member
Hey guys,

I've been around this place for a while but I've never actually submitted anything. This one is a track I wrote a while back but I finally got around to recording it. I'm not much of a song-writer but it's my mixing I'm interested in!

Just give you a rundown of my gear:

-Monitoring on a Hifi
-Yamaha MG10/2 Preamps (patched the inserts)
-Naint(?) MSH1O overheads.
-Rode NTK

-So yeah violin and synths are going through reason.
-Drums were recorded with the two overheads and a shitty $5 dynamic on kick (ran into a drumagog like program).
-2 channels for guitar. One is a squier DI'd into an amp sim and the other is a 58 on some shitty practise amp.
-Vocals (including weird background sounds) recorded on NTK. They were actually done in two takes (go me)
-Acoustic recorded with NTK.

Everything recorded in my shitty tin shed/garage. I've hung some sheets up as stop-gap measure but I know it's very far from ideal. Monitoring is in same environment (poo).

So yeah I'm just looking for some critiques on my mixing most of all. All the playing was done by me but I'm a hack muso.

I realise my gear is mostly shit but I'm a poor student (sympathy dammit!) and I want to learn how to get the best sound I can out of crap gear before I resort to blaming the gear and upgrading!

Some caveats:
-The snare clips in parts. I need some mic pads.
-The drums are definitely the weakest link - they lack immediacy. It's hard to get an 'in your face' sound when only using 2 (omnis of all things) to record a kit in a tin shed. Shoulda gone with the cardiods. I wish I had the ability to manipulate the snare volume.
-It's not mastered at all. I just ran a bit of compression and very very subtle reverb on the main outs for good luck!

I really appreciate feedback - I love this whole sound recording thing it's great fun and this place is such a valuable resource for me.

So enough ker-fuffling! Here it is.

Paper St. (3:13)

I like the song. You definitely have song writting and producing talent. I think the vocals are excellent but the music playing is not at that level. You might want to work with other musicians if music playing is not your main priority. You could improve things with the mix but I would rather work on the instruments that need improvement for now.

Excellent work,

/Jack Real
Only thing that hit me once or twice was a slight time lagging in drums....

Other than those, no complaints from musicianship, ofcourse bearing in mind its fundamental nature.

Violin sounded great, so did the acoustic. Vocals were also very good.

Train with a clicktrack and get some cheapo mics for close mic'ing.... or get a program, EZdrummer is good imho.

Nice tune, and actually not the worst job either...or mix.:D
I like the song. You definitely have song writting and producing talent.You could improve things with the mix but I would rather work on the instruments that need improvement for now.

Cheers. How do you mean improve the instruments? The playing I'm not really focused on to be honest. If you mean the recording of the instruments then yeah I definitely agree. Any suggestions on how to improve those things mentioned in the mix or the instruments?

Indeed...I like the song structure and it is well done with what you had to work with.


Only thing that hit me once or twice was a slight time lagging in drums....

Train with a clicktrack and get some cheapo mics for close mic'ing.... or get a program, EZdrummer is good imho.

Nice tune, and actually not the worst job either...or mix.:D

Aye the drums are a bit off in parts. It was quite difficult to do them actually. I originally had programmed drums that sounded great but lacked a human edge. So the drums were actually done last and it was quite difficult tracking them to the song in the headphones. It tends just to sound muddled and without definition (in the headphone mix) so I had trouble following but yeah I totally agree.

Thanks for all the feedback guys. Any suggestions from anyone else? Especially things to do with the mix/recording of instruments?