vintage 'ELVIS' mic, along with a Vintage Green Bullet


New member
Both are also up on the bay

just use the Ribbon mic links to get there, then look at all my auctions...:p

Hope someone here can use these...!!

Was out digging in some boxes of TUBES, and found a brand new ELVIS mic cartridge......

Any interest here, with a reasonable offer, I won't put it on the BAY..


Oh yeah, also found an old fishing reel in another box next to it.

Bache Brown 'SPINSTER' pretty old, company was a division of LIONEL.

Funny, I guess companies back then really branched out....

Not that they don't now, but......
Auctions for the Elvis mic, and Green Bullet ended with buyers from Japan...

I found that sort of interesting.

actually, all the mics went out of the country. Denmark, and Australia are the other places.

still have one 535 left,
