VF08 questions


New member

I am considering buying the VF08 and have a couple of newbie questions I can't seem to answer by searching the web or this forum. If anyone here has experience with this unit and could shed some light I would really apreciate it.

I'm just trying to figure out if and how I could download tracks from the unit to the HDD in my PC without having to leave the digital domain (I don't want to have to go from the analog outs to the analog in on my soundcard thus unnecessarily going through two AD/DA converters.)

Is this possible and what would be the best way to do it? My motherboard is IDE but could I get one of those SCSI expansion cards and then plug the VF08 into that? (Meaning I would need to also purchase the "optional" SCSI card for the unit.) Or can/should I go from the coax optical outs on the unit to a souncard with coax optical ins? (My soundcard only has analog in/out but I'm willing to upgrade.)

Lastly, can the VF08 output one track at a time through either one of these methods or can it only output what you have mixed down to stereo?

As you can see I'm pretty new to all of this so any info, experience and suggestions would be greatly apreciated.

Hi there mjoa,

Originally posted by mjoa

Is this possible and what would be the best way to do it? My motherboard is IDE but could I get one of those SCSI expansion cards and then plug the VF08 into that? (Meaning I would need to also purchase the "optional" SCSI card for the unit.) Or can/should I go from the coax optical outs on the unit to a souncard with coax optical ins? (My soundcard only has analog in/out but I'm willing to upgrade.)

The VF08 only has a coaxial S/P-DIF in/out, but it works fine to hook up to your soundcards coaxial S/P-DIF. If you would have to go with a soundcard that only has optical S/P-DIF, there are converters that aren't too expensive. Fostex makes one called COP-9 (or something like that).

If you want to go through the SCSI, your best option would be to use a zip-disk to dump your stuff onto in WAV-file format, and then from there into your computer. Of course, you'll need a ZIP-drive.

Lastly, can the VF08 output one track at a time through either one of these methods or can it only output what you have mixed down to stereo?

You can do either. Only one catch, if you want to do it before you've mixed down to stereo you won't be able to use what Fostex calls the "Mastering effects" (3 band eq, compressor, reverb).

Hope this helps,

Thanks Micmac, that helps alot. I just noticed that I said "coax optical" but I meant to say "coax digital" but I get what you were saying.

Much apreciated