VF-80 Oh my!!!


New member
Hey...does anyone here have the VF-80?
I have had a couple of problems with mine...
First, if there is anything plugged into XLR, or 1/4" ports/jacks when you turn your machine on, you may get a "no disk" error...which leads the user to believe that the hard drive is gone/crashed/crapped out.
This is very discouraging, especially if the user has over 50 hours of material on it!!!
Solution: According to Alex Suzuki at Fostex, try unplugging all of your source inputs (except for the power chord, he was sure to tell me that, just in case) and power the system down wait for a while and power it back up...this might solve the problem. If it doesn't, surprise...hope you backed everything up!!!
Lesson: I always return my tray to it's upright position before landing.
Now, I am starting to notice that occasionally that there will be a disk read/write error when I am trying to burn or upload.
Solution: Usually, when I take the cd out and put it back in again, it works fine.
Lesson: Save my pennies and nickels and be patient, before I''ll know it....I'll be wealthy enough to buy something over 1000.00 bucks that won't crap out on me!!!! Meanwhile, I will let this one die on me...it's under warranty anyway.
Well, you know what they say,"you get what you pay for."

Would anyone else like to share their love stories about their VF-80?
While you're figuring it out, I'm gonna post your tune here in Fostex where it won't get covered up so quickly.

Hiya bd-ette

I've had my VF80 for six months - no problems. Don't have a CD burner for it though. "Turn it off and back on again" is standard techie advice - often works!

Listening to your song as I write. Lovely voice, sounds like you've got a lot of 'verb on it. Also like the song but thought the guitar rhythm was a bit "fussy" - you know, cleverer than it needs to be, detracting from the melody and the voice, which are both excellent.

I've had my VF80 for 2 months now, with absolutly no problems. It's a dream!!!

I got the VF80 because I could not find the MR8 in stock anywhere, but now I'm glad. The VF80 is perfect.

How you all are the lucky ones (re:VF80)!!!

Gary, thanks for the critique...it's the copyright version.
It's on my list, but since I won't be performing it, I have put it on the back-burner until I can get my other songs re-recorded for mastering/replication.
I promise the fine tuned, cleaned up, on time version will be coming to a post near you in about 6 months...;) Hopefully with the right person's voice on it!!!
I am now trying to decide what I am going to post next...look out waeerold, here I come.
VF80 -- no problems...

Have had mine for a few months, and no problems. Sorry. If yours is under warranty, why not back it up on CD and ship it to Fostex for a new one? I would. Any product line is bound to have a few bad ones. Why wait till it totally stops working? It may never completely crash. Also, can we assume yours is loaded with the latest software version? Also, where did you buy it from?

Basically the VF80 is a phenomenal machine. Check out the Yamaha boards to see a $1,000 product is not guaranteed to be trouble free.

Don't know if I will return the fostex, I'm gonna give another chance.

Gary, who's Kristy Macoll? I probably should know, shouldn't I?
Not necessarily - she was fairly big in the UK, don't know about the US. She was Ewan MacColl's daughter (he wrote First Time Ever I Saw Your Face among many other things). She had a gorgeous voice and something bigger than a cult following.

Tragically killed by an idiot in a pwerboat when she was swimming with her kids, in 2000 aged 41.
