VF-16 Software Update


New member
Has anybody updated the software in the VF-16. My version is 1.3, and now there is a 2.0 that lets you use the SCSI port for data backup as well as AUDIO. Fostex told me I had to send my VF-16 in so they can update the software. Does anybody know if there is a file online that I can download and install through midi?
have you talked to the guys over at www.vf16.com ?
i bet they can help you out with info. but i wouldn't expect too much when it comes to installing it through midi...

You can load the new release for the VF-16 from a zip drive, Org drive, etc....from a DOS formatted disk. If you get the file from www.VF16.com (they have it there for download) and can get onto a disk, the VF16 will load it from the SCSI port.
Awesome Site

Thanks for the helpful comments micmac and bbbmusic. And thanks for turning me on to VF-16.com. How did I get by this long without it?