Very new artist.


New member
Good day to you, community!

My name's Pieter Vreede and I recently started producing electronic music at home using FruityLoops Studio. After some time of finding out the far corners of a production program like fl-studio, I think I finally made something decent to listen to.

Everyone needs to start somewhere so this is my start. I've got three tracks on my soundcloud (HERE) I would like opinions and tips on. Vocals will be added to all three tracks after I finish writing and recording.

Enjoy listening!
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Since I'm new here, URL's don't work yet. Therefore I'll list the tracks I mean:
Find GuardianOfColour on, then please listen to
-No one will know
-The procastinator
-Like the day, love the night
Thanks ATWCE! Followed you back!

And jimmys69, thanks for helping out the new guy haha :')
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