Very funky guitar tune -- LISTEN!!

First of all, let me say this...

This tune ROCKS! :)

Awesome guitarwork, great drumming, and really, really tight!

As for the mix, I just have one comment....
The guitar almost sounds as if the mic was too far from the amp.
It's probably just the type of reverb you used, but I would prefer to have that guitar "in my face" as opposed to sounding like it's off in the distance... especially since the tone is sooo delicious! ;)

This one is going to get burned to CD, for sure. It'll sound great in my new Ford Escape with the 300 watt stereo. Pump Water Jam is also gonna get burned, and maybe a few others, too.

Great work! I can't tell you how much I enjoy a kick-ass guitar instrumental like this one.

Wow Buck62, you made my day!

Thanks for your great comments, I really appreciate it.

Actually, I recorded the guitar direct using a POD 2.0 mixed together with a SansAmp PSA-1. I used the onboard plate reverb setting on my Akai DPS16 digital recorder.

I'm not really wild about the reverb sound either. I tried using 'room' reverb but it just seemed too dry, but it might have been better after all.

I've been listening to this tune in my car as well, and I must say it does sound pretty darn good. For once I'm pleased with what I played.

Thanks again -- I'm so glad you liked it!


Another great job! Again, the recording is clear and well-balanced. I see what Buck62 means, but it's pretty subtle.

The playing reminds me of John Scofield crossed with Wayne Krantz.

Only real critique is that those little breaks with the drum fills occur just a bit too often for my taste...

Nice work fella. I'm listening on real player so I don't have much to add about the production. I like the modulation, the jazzy licks and the way you mixed up the percussions a bit

Nice work

Ray J
AlChuck --

Nice to hear from you again! As always, thanks for listening.

Yeah, the drum breaks are many, that's for sure, but with this technique of recording the patches that have the built-in bass lines, I didn't want each section to go on any longer than it did. So, I opted for the short fills to separate the sections. It didn't sound right when I just had them go one to the other.

Ray J --

Thanks to you too for taking the time to listen to my tune. I guess it can be a bit much to take in all at once, so thanks for hanging in there!

Yep- that WAS funky.

I liked it most when the harmonies got darker than the Eddie Van Halen stuff going on but I liked that stuff too... :)
Hey drstawl --

Thanks for listening.

That's cool that you like the darker harmonies like I do. I keep trying to push the envelope in that way while still maintaining a foothold, if you know what I mean. Most of the influence in this comes from Herbie Hancock.

I'm trying to think what Van Halen stuff I did.... maybe the hammer-ons? That's funny, I've never really listened to him or felt influenced by him. The technique I'm using isn't the two hand thing. It's just hammering on and pulling off with the left hand. I wanted to add a kind of abstract syncopation to the whole thing and I like the way it turned out.

But, as long as you think it's FUNKY, then that's the most important thing!

Jeez, I was just in Newport Beach yesterday -- I live out in Corona.

Thanks again,
