Very easy MIDI question


New member
I just got a CME keyboard and have been playing with it for a few days now. I've now ran across a very easy question which I'm sure anyone can help me with.

I played a little riff on the keyboard and was looking to record an octave of it with a different soft synth. So I just moved all the notes up an octave and hit my problem. Everytime I went to record this onto an audio track, it recorded over the midi notes that I already had in the MIDI grid. So my question is, what do I have to do to get it to record the actual part I have in MIDI?

I briefly looked through the MIDI settings but couldn't find my answer. Any suggestions or help would rule. Thanks guys.
Your question does not really make any sense.

I played a little riff on the keyboard and was looking to record an octave of it with a different soft synth.

How do you record anything with a softsynth? What software are u using?

Everytime I went to record this onto an audio track, it recorded over the midi notes that I already had in the MIDI grid.

Why would it be recording changes to the midi track when you are record to an audio track? U cannot record audio to a midi track
I think he wants to bounce the MIDI stuff down onto an audio track, but in recording he's also wiping his MIDI.

I think.

Booyah - if this is the case you just need to disarm the MIDI track for recording.
I played a little riff on the keyboard and was looking to record an octave of it with a different soft synth.
It IS an easy question.

If you want to use a second soft synth you need to create a second midi track for the second soft synth.

The mistake you are making is trying to record two soft synths into a single midi track.

Depending on your software, you have some options. In protools, you can set your MIDI to "MIDI Merge" and it adds notes instead of replacing them. Since you didn't list your software, I really can't advise if your's has a similar setting, although it should.

Your other quick fix would be to copy your midi notes, paste them to a second midi track, and transpose 1 octave.

If you are wanting to use a different synth sound, you will need a second midi track, so you'll need to use the method stated above.

sixways said:
If you are wanting to use a different synth sound, you will need a second midi track, so you'll need to use the method stated above.

That's exactly what the original question was about.

Getting TWO sounds going from TWO different softsynths.

:confused: :confused: :confused:
could it be as simple as you are in the wrong record mode? as in; you're trying to overdub but are overwriting? it would be helpful if you said what software you're using.
For some reason it was a glitch with it. After I erased my MIDI tracks and aux tracks, fired them back up everything worked properly. So I'm not sure what was wrong but it is working now. Thanks guys.