Venting about Collaboration Challenge


New member
I bet all the regs who entered the challenge are happy collaborating away with their partner. Meanwhile, I got shutout, stuck on the sidelines. Coincidence? I don't think so.
My 1st partner, Pedullist, dropped out, claims he had personal problems. Think he would have found time if he was hooked-up with one of his forum buddies? Perhaps.
Next partner was Museman. He dropped out because the pairings got "MESSED UP". Just what did he mean by "MESSED UP"??? The pairings were totally random. How does something that's totally random get "MESSED UP"???????
So, basically, what Muse was saying was; "I didn't get paired with one of the forum regs, so I'm out"
My 3RD partner was a MAY 2003 newbie!!!
Needless to say, I never heard from Mr. newbie.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that everyone has been very kind and fair and sometimes helpful in this forum. But this particular challenge seemed to separate the regs from everyone else.
Chill out man. I`m a busy bee bitch here with my job, family, and obligations I have to folks here, I dont have time to hardly scratch my butt. But I have a partner waiting on me for the CC as well and he'll get 100% of what I`m able to deliver but it`ll be when I can get it to him.
I have a full itinerary but, as soon as I get an opening I`ll be glad to work with you on something.. dont be discouraged... This is all about fun and learning.
There`s been a few newbs lately I'd love to play key or string bass on some of their stuff...
That sucks.

Maybe Tom should say this... but don't sweat it man. FLG isn't in it, I'm not in it, and (hazarding a guess) there's probably a fair group of regs that aren't even in it. If I had any kind of set up right now, I'd jump in it with ya... but that's still a few weeks away. But going out on a limb here, I'll vouch for the group and say that it wasn't a blackballing.

I dunno. Maybe it was. Have you been an asshole here? :)


Sorry... can't offer you a solution. Maybe Tom could.

Never could spell that other word...........I didn't enter the challenge, but come on man! I never heard your music either (I don't think), but I find it hard to believe all those folks are dissing you. I'm sure they all must have legitimate reasons. Just on blind faith I'll give it a try if you're up for it! I don't have a ton of time to devote to it, but maybe we can do something simple that won't burn up a bunch of time. PM me if you want.


Oh, guess I better find out what the challenge is!
Originally posted by bdbdbuck [/i


Oh, guess I better find out what the challenge is! [/B]

The challenge is for you to write lyrics and sing them over one of my odd signature, No Wave/Avant Punk/Jazz instrumentals....
played backwards :)
Dude,I did NOT diss you.
Anybody who knows me knows I'm not like that.

If you read the original thread through,you can easily see what happened.
The way things were going,I thought it better just to drop out and wait for the next one.

There were a couple of people left for you to hook up with at the time.

I certainly didn't mean to leave you out in the cold,my apologies!:D

If you still want to do it,I'm in.
I'll PM you.

That's cool.:)

BTW-Ped is definitly having some personal problems,he's off the board until he gets them resolved.
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I'll speak for Pedullist since I've been in email contact with him.. He is truly unavailable. Notice he hasn't been posting other than to thank everyone who wrote in my thread where he did a bass track for me. He has some real life things happening. As for the other things, damn dude. Shit luck...sorry. But I don't think I received any PM's from you. Maybe we could even still match you up if you're into it so much that you're gonna start a thread abou it. But relax...there's no conspiracy. I don't even know you. Sorry.
As for the pairings getting messed up...I had accidently put one or two people into the hat who had dropped out. So maybe he was referring to some mixup in one of those situations. I don't know, but that's why I allowed for some much time. To make sure people could be re-teamed, and re-reteamed if necessary. Perhaps I should have made a post count minumum or something, but that would mean less music.
