Veni, Veni (O Come Emmanuel)-An Acoustic Christmas Tune

A recording of a christmas favorite of mine. I layered this with some ambient synth voice and piano to smooth out a few edges and give it flow and it sounds wonderfully Chip Davis like (Manheim Steamroller) Just in time for Christmas.

This recording was done using a mic'd Seagull Acoustic (AKG condenser), piano part was the stock 64 voice piano on an XP-80, synth pad was covered by a vintage Ensoniq ESQ-1 (a wonderful original sounding board from the 80's). There's a touch of fretless bass giving a bit of girth to the bottom.

I wanted an "older" sound-less digital so I used a 424 Tascam Casstte Multitrack, a Zoom 505 for some delay on the guitar track and post delay via an older Alesis Midiverb.

Take a listen and tell me what you think. Here's the linky:

and check out some of my other creations at my SoundClick site-

Merry Christmas and a very Happy Holiday to you. :)
Merry Christmas to you too!

Sounds excellent....this Christmas tunes is one of my favorites. You did a great job on the guitar and the keyboards, it's really clean and clear. I have a Tascam 424 myself and I love it ;) .

Thanks for sharing your music and brightening up my morning! Now I have to go shovel snow....
Very nice version of the song. Well played. I'm hearing quite a bit of distortion (scratchy, clicks) at some of the louder points. And the whole song "pumps". The compression is bringing the less-loud stuff way up.
Dude, this song is played very nicely. :)

The piano and the gutiar work well together.

The only mention I'll make is of two things:
1 - Sounds like it distort in a few places like it was clipping or something. :)

(Again, heard some piano parts. Really cool.)

2 - In the beginning sounded like a touch boxy sound. Like it has slight more low end than one would want. Just a hair more. I'd recommend to EQ down around 80-100Hz a little and to raise EQ by 2-3db around 5kHz just to add slight more air to the entire piece.

Nice emotion capture.
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Thanks guys for those who have listened thus far. The suggestions will definitely be listened to. I noticed some of the scratches and "pumping"- they actually weren't that prevalent until they were converted to mp3. I'll see if I can clean it up just a bit. Stay tuned............