Vannessa Carlton's album


New member
just picked this up yesterday,

has anyone else got it? what are your thoughts on it? i think it has some really really great production on it. first cd ive heard in a while with some dynamics in it!

very very well mixed

check it out.

been really ill, didin't eat for 3 days at one point. i just kept on throwing up. :-( but im pretty much allright now.

so hello, im back:-)
Have it - like it.
"A thousand miles" has been played too much now though. At least here in Sweden.

We had a thread going in the keyboardforum about the album, but that was more on performance & songwriting skills.

Glad you're well again...
y'know, in "Pretty Baby", d'you know if that's a real snare? im starting to think it's something like Ddrum.

yeah, thousand miles is way overplayed here too. album is genius though.
nerina pallot is another good one to look out for.
While I can't stand her performance or voice (and i'm the owner of an aducated opinion since I DID buy the cd) I do think that cd is a wonderful recording..

Paint it black sounds awesome.... (Not her version, but the sound of her version) :D
it is definitely a very well done album.
the mastering is superb aswell.

listen to a thousand miles, around 1.50, there's a break around there, and then there's another intro. the volume just seems to climb up in the break and, it creates so much impact.

wish it wasn't so overplayed though!
Voxvendor: Did you buy the album for her eyes or her hair?

LongWaveStudio: I've got the album at work, I'll listen to the snare tomorrow and see if my ears are good enough to spot if it's real or not. I'm not to optimistic...

So many people have said it's a great production now, even those that don't like the music, so I guess I must listen to it with that frame of reference.
Sometimes when I hear a record I immediately feel "Wow, this is well done" from an engineering point of view. F.e. Toy Matiné and some of Genesis stuff. But I'm sorry to say I didn't get that reaction when I heard Vanessa's album.
Beltrom said:
Voxvendor: Did you buy the album for her eyes or her hair?

Actually shes sort of ugly.... I mean not a total wreck, but she sure ain't no Charlize Theron... Thats for sure.. :D

I just bought it for the production value.... listened twice and filed it away..
Back at work, first cup of coffee...

That's a nice pickup line, have to try it sometime:

"Actually you're sort of ugly.... I mean not a total wreck, but you sure ain't no xxx"

Well, she's no model. But I do think she's kind of cute in her own way. And I like the fact that she's made it this big without having that kind of looks. There's too many out there making it big in the music biz just because of how they look.

I once was at this guys house. He had 1000+ albums. ALL of them with pretty girls on the cover. No preferences what so ever in the music. Just pretty girls. He hadnt even opened up the outer package on a lot of them..
LongWaveStudio said:
y'know, in "Pretty Baby", d'you know if that's a real snare? im starting to think it's something like Ddrum.

I'm not really into drums and I haven't got golden ears. But anyway I listened to it a couple of times and there's nothing in there that I'd have a hard time believing was triggered samples. Two or three of them at different velocities + the roll.
IT's not Too BAd

Yeah I like the album,
However I don't like the way they've recorded the piano.. it's really close miked and it sounds kind of clunky, picking up the sound of the hammers,
mabye thats the sound they were going for ... who knows,
however as much as I like it, everyone is raving about how origional it is.. man it's 80's pop all over.. I mean just listen to the strings.. it's like somthing out of L.A. Law or Weekend at Bernie's...
Don't get me wrong I love it! I just think it's a regression not a new sound
By the way. Many of us seems to think it's very well done. Is there any of you who think it's done well enough to use as a reference?
No Model?!?! She blows liv Tyler out of the water.

Finally a teen chick with talent, I was almost giving up hope on that generation, but she actully had music lessons .
Hmm... I really enjoyed the strings.. Oh well, I was born in 1975 - just in time to be concious during the 80s.

darrin_h2000 said:
No Model?!?! She blows liv Tyler out of the water.

Why would she want to do that? Why are they in the water?

You perceive in quantity what I meant in quality (and not quality as in good or bad, but as in "kind"). To me she hasn't got that KIND of looks. But I think that's a good thing. Just like with her music, it's personal.
Maybe I should have put a "Maybe" in front of it though...

Finally a teen chick with talent, I was almost giving up hope on that generation, but she actully had music lessons . [/B]

I don't have her cd but I've heard " A thousand miles to death" and I have a few things to say.

-The snare drum and drumset in general sounds kinda funny, being a drummer myself I can say it is very well sampled rhythm or a drumkit with a lot of effects, especially the snare, it has a wet feel and sound to it, too overprocessed for my taste. Mixwise, I think the piano is just too damn loud. And I don't like the piano part in the verses, I find it too busy and distracting, it seems the producer thought otherwise.... Her voice doesn't move one hair of my body and boy.....she is ugly!!!!! I also think that the chorus doesn't have any strenght at all, it is like some kind of retarded limbo, nothing happens and if the idea was to bring the mood down, I find that it wasn't done in an interesting way. But what I dislike the most is the transition from verse to chorus, those two hits with the whole band where she goes "and now I won......der......" I feel this arrangement, corny, childlike and stupid, it just cuts the vibe of the song, brings it down and behind but in a horrible way....yukkkk
I predict A grammy in her immediate future. I dont Know which sex you are attracted to but I guess it isnt female because shes a babe. Give me an example of your idea of a beutiful lady Alonzo.
Darrin dude, don't go there. Since the beginning you started posting about her looks, comment on the music man!!!!! Let's keep this the Home Recording Forum and not the Discuss the Artists's Looks Forum!!!!!! the post was about her music, production of the album, not if she was a babe or not, that could be your opinion against mine, but what point is there in arguing about this???? in a music forum'???
I can't stand when her voice changes from the cute, innocent style to that whiny nasal sound...

"Ohhhhhhhh, Cause you know I'd walk a thousand........"

Yuck. But personal opinion I guess.