Using your expensive studiomonitors for general multimedia


New member

is it harmful in any way to use your studiomonitors for regular sound output of your PC (ICQ, DIVx, Winamp,...)

Obviously I'm not talking about pushing to sound to its limits, but driving non CD-quality sounds through those speakers.

I just got these expensive Event Trias and I would hate to see (hear) them being fucked up by wrong usage.


I use my Tannoy Reveals all the time with my PC (using my Delta 44) with no problems. I just have to careful to mute them (via my mixer) when I'm done surfing/listening/etc...Those Windows sounds can be annoying when they come blasting through my speakers!

Good luck!
I am still in the process of organizing my studio space, so for now my EV MS-802's are being employed by my home entertainment center.
On the contrary, it's probably very helpful to listen to as much music as you can on your studio monitors. It'll help with your frame of reference when mixing down.