using the noise gate/compressor properly (line6 ux2)


New member
Im aware that the compressor and noise gate reduce volume when the signal surpasses a certain threshold;

but I've been having problems with weird/sudden/abrupt transitions when I used the compressor

So I stopped using the compressor and used only the noise gate instead.
However, similar problems seem to be occuring, (i kinda need the noise gate as it actually does reduce noise in my room to a considerable amt)
I tried setting different thresholds ex 6 dB, -60dB, and even 0dB! but these weird interruptions keep on occuring. Sometimes, some sounds that I make are omitted (ex. softer sounds) and thus messes up the timing/transitions as well...
If I didnt use the noise gate, I would have some noise in my recordings since my mic gain on the interface is turned up quite high to get a loud enough recording...