Using outboard effects


New member
I've got Cubase VST and a Delta 66 soundcard, on a 1.3 gh Pentium 4 using Windows 98.

Can I use outboard effects during the mixdown process?

I.e., assume I've got six separate tracks of drums recorded-- could I send the signal from one or two (dry) tracks out of Cubase via the output of my sound card, through an outboard compressor or reverb (rather than using the digital effects that come with Cubase), and then back into Cubase to be recorded as a one or two new (wet) tracks?

So that in mixdown, I can mix the wet and dry tracks together by adjusting the levels of those tracks?

Or, will attempting to do that just cause a whole lot of feedback?

I suppose I just go ahead and try it, but I'm curious to know the answer...

I'm learning new stuff everyday


It'll work - but why would you want to do it?

Do you have amazing outboard gear? It WILL add noise.
i do this all the time. i like to use my lexicon for reverbs and such. i usually assign a buss to an analog out other than the main out (assuming you have multiple i/o on your sound card). then i use the aux send on the tracks to send to that buss. i return the fx on a track with input monitoring. before you render the tracks, you will have to record the reverb. saves loads of cpu power...
Thanks for the replies... saving CPU power is exactly why I want to consider doing it... I appreciate it'll be noisy, but it may be worth trying...