Using Effects While Recording In Sl3


New member
Hello, I've been trying to figure out if there is a way to record with an effect pre in cubase sl. Not an external effect that would run out from my firepod and back in to the DAW, but within the program.

Has anyone been successful at doing this?
i'm not sure what you mean by 'effect pre'. if you want to use effects while recording, make sure that you aren't monitoring the direct input. you'll need to get your sound card's latency down pretty low for it to sound close to normal. i'd use a pair of well isolated headphones too. look in device setup for something like 'monitor direct input' and make sure it's off.
Sorry, I should have clarified better. I'm sick with the flu and am pretty dizzy at the moment, my articulation is not at top notch.

I will try what you suggested, what I am referring to however, is something like applying compression or eq to a vocal track while recording it.

Though my aim is to get things as close to the sound that I want with the initial recording, sometimes I have some pretty dynamic singers.

The other day I was recording a woman with a masters in various music whatsits and a professionally trained opera singer. She is a music teacher here where I live, and we were making tracks of harmony parts for a song that her students are working on.

At the outset of the song I had loads of headroom, and then it got to this intense part and her lungs burst forth and there was the giant black blob of distortion on the screen. I would have loved a nice limiter or compressor on her. But alas, I can't for the life of me figure out how to plug one in for this purpose.

I've been using Cubase for about a year now, I love it, but this is one thing that I can't seem to figure out how to do...
a software compressor won't do you any good in that situation. the software compressor is in the signal chain after your sound card's a/d converter. if yo clip the converter and get distortion, your track is just going to have distortion. even when using a hardware compressor i'd retrack any big outbursts like that.

to use effects while recording, add the effect to the track, turn off direct monitoring, and turn on monitoring for the track. if you don't know where these functions are within cubase, you should get better aquanted with the program. spend some time looking around at things.
I agree with Travis. There really is no point to printing effects, but if you really want to do it, you should go into the Device Setup and turn off the "Direct Monitoring" option.
Yep, as stated above, all that would do is compress the distorted signal.

You are just recording too hot - turn the gain down..........
great, i'll get better acquainted with it. I had never had this problem with other singers, usually i'm pretty good at not clipping the tracks i record.

i never use the direct monitoring function in cubase as it is though. i've always used the output from my firepods...