Using Effects sparingly?


New member
Hey guys i'm the one of two guitarists in a band. We don't use any effects because we don't want to sound overprocessed like the many incubis-likes out there.

Am i making any sense here.

I want to retain the raw tone of our amps but I want to make things fresh to prevent each song from getting repetitive.

Is this possible to do in a minimalistic way?
of course it's possible. i basically just use the clean channel on my amp and adjust the overdrive as needed. different amps can give different tones and that will keep the sound from becoming repetative and old. even with one amp there are many tones possible. but, don't be afraid of effects. i used to be like that, then i realized some songs sound better with them. just use what you feel the song calls for. you're the musician, don't let one overdone style ruin all the cool tones available to you.
:cool: Sometimes use effects as seasoning to your original tone as one would use salt to your steak.

In my opinion, the best recordings came from good old fashioned musicianship rather than a rack full of effects!!

lilray99 said:
I want to retain the raw tone of our amps but I want to make things fresh to prevent each song from getting repetitive.

Is this possible to do in a minimalistic way?

That's where arrangement and technique come in. They played acoustic instruments for a thousand years before anyone ever thought of a flanger.
The angus Young theory: amp + mic = awesome guitar sound. But effects are cool when used properly....and some things sound like crap without effects. There are no right or wrong answers.