Using Cubase on a Macbook?


New member
I'm probably going to buy myself a Macbook after this summer!
I have planned for a long time to run Cubase as my recording software.
But I've read some places that Cubase does not work that well together with Macs? Is this true? Or can I use Cubase on my Macbook?

The Macbook I'm getting will have the following specs:
Macbook 2,0 Ghz, 1 GB ram. 7200 RPM external hard-drive, Firepod interface.

I want to be able to record at least 6-8 tracks at the same time! (Stuff like drums, live band recordings etc.)

Thank you so much for your help in advance!
Cubase runs fine on a mac, but at this time, only on G5 (PPC based macs). There a only a few audio apps out right now that support intel based macs but I expect everyone to have support in a year or two