Using Cubase (5.1) to Play multiple soft synths at once in a live setting


New member
Can't go it can ya? It seems as though you can only hear one softy at a time--when that track is selected. And let me (try and) be clear. I want to be able to say send a sequenced pattern from the Triton into cubase for the FM7, a different pattern for the Absynth, a drum sequence for the Waldorff Attack, etc, etc. We use the RPPRs from the Triton to start and stop sequences/patterns we've pre-programmed, in an attempt to make electronic stuff that's as "live" as possible. Yeah, completely lost aren't you...methinks this one is unaswerable...

thanks for anything...

hmm, this is the great problem for all of us who made our msuic using the wonderfully affordable soft-synths... how do you play live, and more importantly will it be reliable? Imagine your laptop crashing amidst a live performance.

I myself have not tried it yet, I'm not even sure if it's possible as Cubase isn't and never has been designed to be used as a live tool, unlike Ableton Live.

Personally, I wish some company would bring out a workstation keyboard capable of loading up and playing VSTIs etc. I'd be the first to buy such a device.

Have you tried assigning each track it's own midi channel number in Cuabse and sending each part out on the corresponding channel from the Triton? Basically, a simple traditional midi setup.

Let me know how you get on because I'd be interested in finding out if it's possible. Myself, I've pretty much decided to fork out and get a couple of good synths second hand. At least I know I can use the same sounds live if I have to and it will be reliable.

Alternatively have a look into Ableton LiveAbleton Live 2 There is a demo available for download. I havent tried this myself but maybe it could be just the thing for you.

PS is MOTO Digital Performer also designed for live use anyone?
Check this out...

...don't know anyone who's used one, but it's intriguing...

There's also supposed to be a Nuendo-based keyboard on its way, specifically geared toward housing VSTis. Couldn't find the link. I don't know how the Pinnacle thing affects this.