Using adat to add 8 inputs


New member
i have a focusrite pro 40 with adat i/o. i want to expand my inputs so i know that if i got a mic preamp i can get more inputs with the looking at getting a PreSonus DigiMax D8. my question is, if i do that will i be able to independantly set those inputs for drum tracking? running them on mono channels to independantly record the drums...
Crazy, I was just coming here to post pretty much the same question and I have a Saffire 40 also!

What made you decide on the presonus model? I want a ad/da converter in that price range but don't need the pre's. I just want to plug in the outboard pre's I already have and use the 8 in the saffire 40. What other options are there to add 8 more inputs?
I picked the presonus model for 2 reasons. 1 is the price, it's a great price for 8 channels. 2 is I read a full review on it (and according the poster who seemed to have extensive experience with preamps) and it seems to be a great unit for the price range. I'm not really interested in bypassing the pres on the pro 40 because Thats one of the reasons I bought it. However if the presonus is better I'm sure I'll use those instead. Although I don't know how to do that, I'll figure it out when the time comes. As far as other options to adding 8 more inputs the only other thing I know is you can get another pro 40 and link em together, but that's not really needed in my opinion
Cool, thanks for answering my question in your thread! No more hijacking I promise! oh, and the pres in the Pro 40 are pretty good, much better than I expected. I'd not want to bypass them, but to use them and bypass the ones on the ADAT inputs so I could use my other pres with that. Anyway, Digimax 8 seems like a good choice for both of us!