usb soundforge


New member
i am currently using sonar xl and a shitty sound card.

my friend uses an edirol usb audio converter ediro ua-5(converts analog to digital, 24bit/96khz),

but he uses cubase vst to record. i plan on using his usb device, its free!

how does soundforge work with a usb device?

should i stick to cubase or sonar?

do any of you use usb, like the quattro by midiman?

which software is best?

give me some ins and outs, dos and donts with your software experiences.

USB has nothing to do with Sound Forge. If the device is available to the system, the system will make it available to Sound Forge.

I'm not sure about the Quattro, but I think there were some problems with it - do a search on this BBS and something will surely come up.

Which software is best is really up to you. Of the big names, like Cubase, Nuendo, SONAR, Logic, Pro Tools, Vegas, n-Track, etc... the quality is very similar. It's more a matter of finding an interface that you feel comfortable with.
ive heard usb has problems, thats why i was wondering about what software works best, so i can make my descision based on the software with least problems. right now my sonar has problems with mysoundcard, sometimes it wont recocnize it and i have to reinstall the driver, i used to think it was my computer and not the software, but ive had friends with great computers and shitty problems with the software. i have access to just about all the good software so i was just wondering your experience, so far soundforge gives me the least problems with anything i use it for, but i need something more for multi tracking.

i think i will try sonar, and go with my own new soundcard, not my freinds usb. peace.
If you like Sound Forge, then you may well want to give Vegas Video a try. Don't be deterred by the "Video". Vegas began as an audio app, but then added video functionality. All of the audio stuff remains and I feel that Vegas has the best UI of any multitrack audio app. There's some things that Vegas can't do, like MIDI sequencing for instance, so you need to consider that. That said, every other app I've used has not felt right. I used Digital Performer two weekends ago, and it had some cool features I wish Vegas had, but the UI looked so bad I wouldn't ever think about switching (let alone switching to a Mac - Digital Performer is Mac only).

Anyway, if you don't want to shell out the bucks for Vegas, Acid is very similar, just a different approach.