USB Foot switch Suggestions/your input


New member
Does anyone use one of these? I am looking for a good model @ a good price. I saw the Scythe 3 switch, but the reviews I've seen on it are mixed (mostly about the driver/software, which I will be using xpadder software anyways, but if the driver doesn't work... well, the device doesn't work!). I basically just need to be able to hit record (ctrl+space in Audition), stop (space), and back (hold left arrow) on the keyboard, but at my feet. This way, I can record guitar or whatever and actually focus and not have to break my back bending over to the desktop keys since I'm in the middle of the room surrounded by mikes.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!
wouldnt a wireless mouse work as well unless your further than 6 feet away or cant see the transport bar?
Sorry I have to ask?
I would rather not use my hands, really. and I wouldn't really have any surfaces next to me when recording in the middle of the room with mikes placed on me. If I had it in my lap, that would be something to think about while trying to record (trying not to drop it), if I have it on the floor, reaching down would be the same as reaching over and using the desktop... Plus would feel nice to have a foot pedal! Playing electric guitar made me love clicking things with my feet while playing. :p