usb dillema

ok, i posted a similiar question in recording techniques and recieved an adequate answer at the time, but i need to know for sure:
I recently bought the simmons sd9k electronic drumset. I would like to utilize the midi on it. my recording interface, the mobilepre usb only has 1/4, xlr, and 1/8 inputs-- no midi. the sd9k has a usb output in it. can i go sd9k to my laptop with a usb? o and one other thing i unfortunatly have pt m powered, so there has to be an maudio device plugged into it to work:( ive already tried it without the mobilepre plugged in and pt wouldn't open. i would like to know if i can use mobilepre and sd9k straight to the laptop and still record drums. i don't want to buy another usb cable if i can't use it. my other option is the maudio usb converter thing, but would this even work for sure? thank you so much in advance
I am not familiar with your gear in particular but Pro Tools shouldn't care how your midi controller (which is what your digital kit is in this case) is connected as long as you have the right drivers installed and Pro Tools can find it.
even mpowered? because as im sure u know it requires an m audio peripheral. so if i understand correctly then, what u mean is that if i have my maudio(mobilepreusb) interface connected, then i can plug my edrums into my pc via usb and record midi? if so then im relle excited. thanks.
even mpowered? because as im sure u know it requires an m audio peripheral. so if i understand correctly then, what u mean is that if i have my maudio(mobilepreusb) interface connected, then i can plug my edrums into my pc via usb and record midi? if so then im relle excited. thanks.

Yes that's correct. As already said, provided you have the drivers installed it will see the midi inputs.
i feel dumb. i bought the usb, hooked it up, checked the pt manual, now what?

K hopefully someone will still pay attention to this. I bought the usb, came home and hooked it up to my simmons edrums, then ran the usb STRAIGHT to my laptop. idk if i made that clear or not earlier but my interface doesn't have midi ports or usb so i have to run it straight to my laptop. i do have the interface plugged in as well though so i can run pt. i cannot seem to get pt to recognize my drums at all. am i missing something? i go to midi studio and create, then give it a name, but when i try to assign input/output it wont let me. im knew to this so please bear with me. what am i doing wrong? or is it impossible to run the usb straight to the laptop and will i need a new interface? i hope not..

ok i take everything back. it does work!!! at least i think, i exited pt and reopened it and now i have input and output, and i can see the gain go up and down when hitting a cybal, just can't get any sound. i assume this is just a midi thing i need to figure out.