
happy hour

New member
Is anyone here using the US-428? It looks really decent for only $599 considering its 24bit and it comes with Cubasis VST. I don't have a good soundcard so I'm wondering if this would work good for me... thanks!
I believe it depends on the processor in your computer - Intel chipsets work fine but there have been some complications with AMDs.

Hope this helps,

Oh and btw - I hear that you can only record one track at a time with the bundled software - your best bet would be to get cakewalk pro audio 9 and go to Tascam's website for the drivers.
I just got one and I haven't had a chance to record with it yet but from the complaints I've heard about soundcards, etc., it seemed to make the most sense. Since I'm just doing a solo instrumental project where I play all the instruments and program the drums, it works for me. All of the reviews have been great as well and you can use any VST stuff with the Cubasis version.

It seems pretty new though and I haven't been able to solicit much feedback on it.
Yeah, it sounds like it would be a really good alternative to soundcard recording. It is supposed to be able to record 4 channels at 24-bit, hopefully it will work well with cakewalk cuz thats what I use.

Wes- That's great man, I would love to hear some feedback on the unit once you've got it working and everything.... thanks!
happy hour ~

Seems like we may be the only people here using it so why don't we exchange e-mail addresses. Mine is

We can learn to use the thing at the same time! I've learned some stuff but I'm not quite to recording yet. But, the fact that you can use VST plugin stuff and don't need a soundcard sold me on it.

Oh yeah, that and the fact that you can record an infinite number of tracks (well, as many as your computer can handle) in banks of eight.

Imagine. A million guitars! :-)

Talk to you soon.

Don't do it.

The Us428 is a DOG.

I'm sure at least half the people out there using the US428 are having some sort of high tech or low tech problem with the US428.

The features of the 428 are nice, but it's unstable, and is not all it's cracked up to be, in features. The Cubasis software is very limited, and the support for other programs is very sketchy, almost non existent.

Go look at the US428 user's forum at and you'll see what I mean.

The support tech team at Tascam, despite their efforts, are troubleshooting their way around and around all these technical issues, and usually blaming the problem on everything else except the 428, but the problem staring them in the face is: The US428 is a DOG. It only works well, or 100% properly in the minority of cases.

Buy a nice used analog reel 8 track and mixer on ebay, and you'll be much happier, but if you're determined to want to record onto your computer, then do yourself a favor, and get an M-Audio Delta 1010, and an outboard mixer, for a little more money than the US428, but guaranteed to be a lot more stable.