US 122 XP audio drop out


New member
hello, nice to meet you all,

I have a problem with XP and my US 122. When I try to play audio through my sequencer, it plays for a short time and then drops the audio out for a split second. This continues a lot.

I have changed my operating system to win 2000 and I dont get the same trouble it plays fine.

I have loaded all service packs to date and still I get this trouble. Anyone know why? :mad:
i have same problem


I have the same audio drop out issue, It drove me nuts and so i gave up recording and started going to music school to learn how to compose...

did you ever resolve the audio drop out issue. I was ready to give up on the ole dog and get an m-box, but it doesn't interface Midi, so i'd have to get another midi interface too. and then I was thinking to go to the 428, but not if the TASCAM is the problem...

so maybe I'll just get to the point where I can give a group of musicians music and then they can play the darn stuff...:^)

but seriously if you have made any progress let me know it's been driving me nuts for 6 months...
heresc some tips.
firstly as a puter engr i dont use usb. i dont like the protocol.
its ok for low volume comms devices like mice etc, but not for high data
throughput rates. particularly if your pc is older and only has usb1 support you could have probs. check in control panel if you have usb1.
a better solution is a pci sound card and a mixer feeding the sound card.
and no other pci card in a pci slot. you can buy pci sound cards for the pc for 90 bucks.
if you HAVE to use usb though try this.
MAKE SURE YOU DONT CONNECT OTHER USB DEVICES while the usb sound device is connected. so as not to interrupt the bus.

needles and big ears ; if you both post your computer configurations i'll try and help further if i can.
me 2

wow, i have been trying to deal with the exact same problem for several weeks now, and i am at a total loss to do.
Pentium III at 866 MHz
128MB SDRAM at 133 MHz
20.4GB 7200 TPM Ultra ATA hard drive

if anybody can help, thanks so much.