US-122 is irritating me


Anyone else have this problem?

It works fine with Music apps (wavelab and Sonar) but doesn’t always work with windows apps such as Media Player and WinDVD.

For example:

Watching The Last Waltz on DVD - sound is coming out of the unit fine - hit pause - hit play - no sound and the only way I have been able to get it to work is to uninstall and re-install.

Listening to MP3 in Windows media player, hit stop, a few minutes later hit play and - no sound.

Quite irritating - no reply from Tascam. I already disabled the "let windows turn power off to USB" thing?

This is not my main recording device I bought it as a toy and well now this toy has become quite irritating.

Any advice greatly appreciated

hmmm i've had the us-122 for two years how, and althoug i've had several problems, i've never had that one. did you get the latest drivers off of their website?
I use my US122 for all my PC sound, and haven't had that problem, either. I agree with the current driver possibilities.
have newest drivers

I have the latest drivers. and stil the same.


Sonar = fine

WinDVD = no sound
Windows Media Player = no sound

Weird thing - anybody know?

I have the same problem, but I confess that I'm not irriated by it. I bought my US-122 for music apps and it performs just fine with Reason, Live, FL and Tracktion. When I want to play a DVD I go with the path of least resistance, the powered speakers that plug into the back of dat ting dere. ;)
You may want to check to see if Windows is seeing the US-122 as the default device under "Sounds and Audio Devices" in the "Control Panel". If that isn't the issue, then I'd suggest reinstalling the drivers.

Hope this helps!

""You may want to check to see if Windows is seeing the US-122 as the default device under "Sounds and Audio Devices" in the "Control Panel". If that isn't the issue, then I'd suggest reinstalling the drivers. ""

Thanks - yes it is the default device. When I re-install it may work for a few minutes, but as soon as I pause it stops making sound.

I e-mailed TASCAM a week ago and no reply!

Thanks for your replies - any help appreciated
