upgrading to 16 channel


New member
hi guys.

Currently I´m using a Fostex R-8 and a Alesis studio-24 mixer.
A few outboards, and this really work out fine.
From time to time when doing recordings that need more than my 8 current channels, I have to do a mix in the middle of everything and burn that to CD. Then go back into the Fostex again on 2 channels L/R, and continue my recording now with another 6 channels to use.
A bit confusing, so I was woundering if you all can help me with a
good recomendation on what to get in form of 16 channel reel-to-reel tape recorder and what mixer to go with that.
I have about 2,000 US dollars for this upgrade.


Stockholm, Sweden.
I see used Tascam MSR-16s and Fostex B and E-16s on E-Bay all the time in that price range.A couple of 20 bit ADATs would be that same price and IMHO, 1" tape 16 track recording versus 20 bit ADAT recording, well, ADAT wins.:D

I´ve been there and the problem is that very few seems intressted to ship to europe.

Does someone out there have a good webpage for this in europe??
