Upgrading my setup around Cubase


New member
Hi guys. I'm new here and sorry if it's bad form to start a thread with my first post. But anyway here goes.

I've been using Cubase 4 for a while and have used up most of the memory on my PC. So it's time to upgrade. Despite the credit crisis(!), after I've paid for a new discdrive and some more memory for the desktop, I have about $750 ish to spend. I have nice guitars, and effects pedals, mics etc, but I've been using an old Tascam Porta07 as a pre-input mixer. Having used an Alesis SR16 drum machine and a midi workstation before, I now find I pretty much use all plug-ins like Edirol Quartet etc. My PC has a Audigy Platinum soundcard.

So what do I buy? I don't need to mic up drums, or record live sessions or anything, I just want to get the most out of my songs.

I'm thinking:
Direct Box
Decent mixing desk either with b/in effects - possibly stand alone reverb.

But how would this work? i.e. do I have Cubase as an output, thru the mixer and then back into the PC to record? - who does good value stuff? What about Firewire?

I'd agree with dementedchord to start.

Personally I'd start on the front end. A decent interface and preamp primarily.

You couldn't go wrong with a bit of acoustic treatment for your mixing room if you haven't already and have the money to spare. I think it's often underestimated.

I myself wouldn't worry too much about outboard stuff right now. Fair enough if you have a fortune to spend, but there are probably more worthwhile things to spend your $750 on. You mentioned a compressor and reverb...you can get some damn nice plugins for free (and legally). Check out www.kvraudio.com for that sort of stuff if you haven't already. All my plugins are freeware and i really like them. The kjaerhus Classic series are completely free and they are usually my first choice. Especially the compressor and reverb. I use those things with pretty much everything.

You can do your mixing in Cubase. If you want a desk with faders etc, perhaps a control surface to interface with Cubase....
those would also have a "di type" input but may not always work as well as a di... dont want to load ya down with tech gobbly-gook at this point...