Upgrading from Cakewalk 8.03 to Sonar


New member
So I'm really considering upgrading from Cakewalk Pro Audio 8.03 on a Windows 98 machine to Sonar on a seperate dual processor PC running Windows 2000. This would allow me to fall back to my old setup if I have problems by simply moving my Delta 66 card back and forth. My nervousness stems from the fact that I'm in the middle of a project, and I've read where people had issues with old projects when they went to work on them in Sonar. My main reason for upgrading is my inability to get the Native Instruments B4 to play nice with 8.03. I guess my questions are as follows: What are the issues with moving Pro Audio projects over to Sonar? Should I go all the way to the latest Sonar patch? Any advice on the pitfalls of upgrading would be much apprecitated.
I have yet to experience any problems with this, but then I work almost purely with audio with minimal plugins, no real midi to speak of. I migrated from 98SE to Win2k to WinXp without anything exploding.
My only problems when upgrading to Sonar had to do with it "finding" the softsynths that came with it. That is resolved now. The newest version (latest patch) offers a slightly different method of saving work that is not backward compatible with older versions..... it open old versions just fine but the old versions won't work with the new files. I am not sure if you can save in an older file style. The B4 has a DXi upgrade patch (there are 2 patches you must have, an upgrade and the DXi upgrade) and it works as an integrated instrument in Sonar.

Have fun!
Pro Audio 9 to Sonar

I had to upgrade my pc at the same time as I got Sonar, my old pooter didn't meet Sonar's MSR. But I will keep my old pc as a back up, it is always nice to have a spare . . .in case my main pc decides to take a shit. Anywho, Sonar didn't take too kindly to it's new home. But after getting past the initial install and audio configuration stage, I am happy with the new rig. It brings in the CPA 9 bundles-no problem. No midi difficulties of any kind to report - and I do a lot of midi.

The new tool bar takes a little getting used to. You can no longer "Mixdown Audio", now you "import" and "export" audio, and this feature is located under the 'file' tab, so I am forever going to the "tools" tab to mixdown audio, but it ain't there no more. In CPA 9, I would always right click on waves and select "audio" from the pop-up window to edit the a section of the wave (+- 3db,fade) this option has now dissapeared. The way Sonar deals with audio edits is considerably different - but in my estimation it is better. Now we "split" clips.