Upgrading existing Alesis/Delta 1010 system


New member

My studio has reached the point where 8 tracks isn't going to cut it... I'm currently running an Alesis Studio 24 into a Delta 1010 into a P4 2.4 GHz running Cubase SX.

I'm looking at buying another Delta 1010, that's pretty much a done deal. My question comes with the mixing board. I like the direct-out/tape-in configuration of the Studio 24. It's a nice match to the Delta. The drawback is that it only has 8 mic preamps, so that's going to be a bottleneck. I've found a used Studio 32 for under $300, which is very similar to the Studio 24, but has 16 preamps.

I'm trying to do this on the cheap, but not resorting to substandard gear. I'd love to have dedicated preamps, but my budget doesn't permit this.

Here's my questions:

1. I could probably get away with a Behringer board instead of the Alesis, but I've gotten comfortable with the Alesis, and I'm told that the Alesis preamps and electronics are better than Behringer's. Is this the case?

2. I've looked at Mackie, who is said to have better preamps than both Alesis and Behringer, but to get a Mackie board with 16 pres is gonna be a lot more expensive. 12 preamp boards are more reasonable, but I'd rather not be limited to 12. Is there such a great difference between Alesis and Mackie to justify a 50% price premium?


Mark P.
Salem, MA