Update quandary - Advice sought


New member
I've finally gotten a bit of cash to update the studio, but could do it in 1 of 2 ways. I've currently got a Layla24/96 and want some decent pres (not desk form).
The two options I'm looking at are either getting a Toft ATC-2 (something comparable in 2 channel) to go with the Layla, or trade in the Layla for a Fireface.
I would expect the RME to be an upgrade in converters over the Layla, but would that be considerable? I would also expect that the RME's onboard pres aren't the quality of the Toft. What's the more important immediate investment?

Also, I might be able to get hold of the Layla3 by trading in the Layla24/96. Is the new unit much more solid or is it just for g5 mac support? (3.3V PCI)

There was this guy who posted at my forum who recorded through the Layla 24/96 with a Grace 101. His band ended up getting a record deal. I didn't think the converters held them back from putting out a good product.

The link to their Echo/Grace clip is at the bottom of http://www.mojopie.com/grace101.html

I'd go with a preamp over converters.
The gear you are talking about is basically side-grades, not upgrades. I agree with ozraves, put the money into outstanding preamps.

If you have $1,000+ to spend, in my opinion you'd be better off putting it toward a really good box that is just preamps, not a combined eq/preamp/compressor unit. You might even have to go a bit higher than what the ATC-2 costs, but it would be worth it. Preamps to look at would be units like the Millenia HV-3B, Hardy M-1, Grace 201 or a pair of 101's, or Great River preamps, to name a few.

That would be an upgrade.
Also, keep in mind that getting a record deal doesn't mean that they thought the recording was stellar. Most of the time labels are looking for what they can do with a band, not what a band has already done:)

I do think the RME converters are better and will make a difference. However, I also think that a killer preamp (like the Great River) will make a larger impact.
Right, when dealing with limited funds (and who isn't?), the important thing is bang for the buck. In other words, what will give you the biggest improvement to your sound for the money you have?

One of the biggest ways to improve your sound is to get out of the prosumer area of gear and into more serious (and expensive) pro audio equipment. Like a great preamp. One must get away from thinking that all the blinking lights and tons of dials equal quality. Often, the best tools are the most simple and may appear minimalist.

I feel preamps are that way. You need gain, trim, 48v, phase shift, and -20 pad controls, and that's it. A clip indicataor is nice to have. But beyond that, let's hope they put the money into what's inside the box, not what's on the front of it.
You all raise very cogent points. At the moment I find that the Layla does everything I need very well, although it would be nice to have simultaneous SPDIF and ADAT.

I'm based in Australia, so there are very few of the upper echelon preamps available. Those that are, cost an absolute fortune because of C-tick certification and customs, as well as dealer margin. I work in music retail, and have come to the realisation that despite having access to Avalon, A Designs, Manley, DW Fern, and high-end Focusrite and DBX, it would be absolutely pointless for me to blow my extremely limited funds on one piece of gear. (uni/college fees need paying for one)

The Toft is only on the table now because the retail price has come down $500AUS. I know there are bells and whistles on the unit, and that CAN equate to toy rather than serious high-end gear, but I see this as a hobby, rather than a future career move.

I think the pre and Layla's the way to go.
SonicAlbert said:
How can the retail price on that be $500AUS when the current US list price is $1,299?

It can't. But it can come down by $500 from $1995 to $1495, which now makes it a possibility for me financially.
I was going to settle with the Tampa, which I've played with and liked, but The Toft gives me 2 channels and awesome EQ. Seems better value now...