unfinished industrial metal track needs a listening


New member
this is the latest track im working on and an update to a previous post of a much earlier version of this same track.

it is the first track i have EVER done with vocals so a first for me. Ok so they aren't the most amazing or even prominant vocals (covered in lots of lovely distortion, god what would i do without distortion). People i have played it to so far have ALL said it sounds like it could be film music.

this is just a quick mix i did of it and a few things will be corrected in the final version,

-the nasty nasty sounding reverb on it, i just bunged a reverb on it no time without adjusting anything and it sounds bad

-at some point the snare starts going all over the place, that is now corrected

-the drums sound like shit, they gunna sound better, the drums i used on 'demo' sounded a hell of a lot better and i'll have them like that-ish for those of you who heard it

so have a listen if you will and i'd like to hear from all you industrial metal fans out there!


oops forgot url
the track is called "dist(unfinished)"
Yeah soundtrack comes to mind...vocals too buried to notice, really.....tune has a classical feel to it...drums kinda military......that break around 2:36 was smooth....but the upped volume at around 3:07 took the smooth away..........I'm kinda humming the thing...it's stuck in my head....that's probably a good thing from a song writing point of view.....nice.......did you post part of this some time back?....familiar in a way....gibs
yeah cool cheers gibs for listening
yeah i had to bury the vocals cause im not yet confident enough in singing prominantly and i am only able to muster a distorted murble at the moment, hopefully to improve soon.

and yeh i did post it back earlier but only a bit of this as it is now.
I like this track. Soundtrack as Gibs said. Reminds me of the type of soundtrack you would hear in Quake. Something about the guitars bug me though, they sound too washed out, like all the mid has been sucked out - would like to hear them panned harder and with some more presence and midrange. This type of sound is popular on the Quake tracks to though, so maybe that's what your after. Perhaps they need to be louder. Like the military snare thing, cool. The drum sounds overall fit the vibe. The vocals are subliminal, but I think that works for the tune.