"Under My Wheels"....Last Alice Cooper cover for a while, I promise. :)


That's a top notch performance overall.
I think the guitar tone is a bit too tamed, midrangey and gutless.
Should be a bit more guttural, biting and screaming tone. (those are precise technical terms) ;)
But I like it & it's a job well done.
Very tight and authentic.
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OT: My Stars...

My Stars is another really excellent job done of Alice Cooper covers.

I love all your stuff, and you know that, but there's a sense I get of "limited" and evened-out dynamic range that I don't sense when I listen to the dynamics of the originals. Maybe notch that back a bit and let the dynamics pump a little more.
Really excellent job tho, and performance wise I can't touch it so I'm in no place to criticize. Yet I still do.:facepalm:

You could do Alice covers all day and I'd not get tired of it.

In contrast, listening in succession now, the Spill the Wine cover has proper dynamics, in contrast to the previous ones I listened to, which seemed kind of tame. Anyway what do I know? Rock On!
I stepped outside the studio door, and it sounds good. That's nice, cuz it's nice inside the studio too. If I look for something that could be improved, I just sound silly.
I like your "My Stars" cover too. Im a huge Alice fan (have the 1st pressing of Schools Out album with the panties and Billion Dollar Babies with the money). Actually own all of his stuff. I do agree with an earlier post you made concerning "Poison" (not a fav of mine either). But "Brutal Planet" and later lp's are pretty damn good. Dirty Diamonds and Eyes of Alice Cooper are great and Welcome 2 My Nightmare (latest) is fantastic. I've been working on a copy of "Halo of Flies" for a few years. So don't stop doing Coop covers. By the way, Mike Myers did a documentary on "Shep Gordon" (Alices manager and best friend) that is fantastic. Its on cable tv. I think its called Supermensch.