Unable to title tracks


New member
Is this something that unlocks when you pay for the software?

I've been trying Reaper out for a couple of weeks now, and I'm starting to really like how everything is laid out. My only complaint is I can't title my different tracks at all. The manual says your supposed to be able to double click on the track and from there you can title it.

I'm working on a big 20 track project right now, and It's a little hard to remember what each number corresponds to.

Also, is there a shortcut to turn the metronome on and off without having to go into the different menus?
In the default setup, there should be a metronome icon in one of your toolbars (near the upper left hand corner.) You can turn the metronome on and off with that. You can also right click it to open the metronome menu.

I don't think there's a keyboard shortcut though.