ultra mike vs. ghost preamps?


New member
Hello, Does anyone know the difference between the Soundcraft and Spirit Ultra Mike and Ghost preamps? I tried emailing Soundcraft but got no response. I'm considering getting a mixing board preferably w/16 chanels. If there is a differance in quality I may go with the M-12 which has the same preamps as the Ghost. I am also considering Allen and Heath. Any suggestions? Thanks,Don
I have heard a lot of people say that the M series has the same preamps as the Ghost series, but when I checked the Soundcraft website the exact wording of the advertising was something like -"preamps BASED on the same design as the Ghost Consoles" , that phrase leaves a lot of leeway for design differences. I checked the website again today and all mention of the Ghost preamps has been removed ! All it says now is - "Low noise, low distortion and RF rejection mic preamps".


I'm not trying to knock Soundcraft, they make GREAT boards, I am just a little skeptical as to whether the M series pres are identical to the Ghost series pres and not just a cheaper adaptation. I know I would feel totally ripped off if I thought I was buying 12 Ghost pres and found out afterwards that they were actually just "sort of like a cheaper version " of Ghost pres.

Of course this doesn't mean that the M series pres are bad, They may be great in fact, and if anyone knows AS A FACT that they are identical to the Ghost's please chime in and let me know, cause if they are I might just buy one too! :D

P.S. Sorry if I made your decision more difficult, it's just something that's been bugging me for a while, I guess what it boils down to is basically if you are hearing good things about the M series aside from the "Ghost pres" thing, then it may be the board for you, if you are buying it mainly to get the Ghost pres then do some more research to make sure.
Hi Vox, Thanks for your reply. I may try emailing Soundcraft again for more info on thier mixer preamps. Thanks, Don
That's pretty sad on their part.

I would email them again and tell them you decided to get a Mackie, since you weren't able to get a response out of them. :)
Gentlemen, Thanks for the replies. I emailed Mr.Tom Der who is National Sales Mgr. for Soundcraft, he sent a reply very quickly. He states, "The M-Series uses essentislly the same mic pre amp as our Ghost console." He also stated that those pre amps seem to have a more warm punchy sound than the Ultra Mic pres, and The Ultra Mic and Ghost pres have different designers. Thanks again for the replies, Don
I think I may go with Allen & Heath. I feel as though "essentially the same" leaves some grey area. Like saying Woody Allen and Mike Tyson are essentially the same in that they are both inhabitants of Earth.