Uh oh....... look what followed me home.......


Cowboy Chord Virtuoso

I couldn’t pass it up for $150. He said everything works... i’m going to be playing with it for the next couple a days to see .......
Sweet score!

But wait ... I thought space was a premium concern for you? Or ... I've lost track. I know y'all moved into a home at one point, but I thought y'all were hitting the road again?
LOL! I came back for grins just in case to check... if it had my Seal Your Face sticker on the right meter bridge :rolleyes: I know. But WTF.. It could happen :)
Sweet score!

But wait ... I thought space was a premium concern for you? Or ... I've lost track. I know y'all moved into a home at one point, but I thought y'all were hitting the road again?

with me, its easy to lose track....... :D . We did get a motorhome to take some trips. Hopefully up to a month at a time starting sometime next year. I did mention trying to keep the whole mobile thing mobile, but then this 312B came up and then I rationalized that maybe one of my p-o-r-t-a-s-t-u-d-i-o-s could possibly become a portable studio..... (pretty cool concept huh ;) ). I also am hoping to sell a couple of things to cover the cost of this (since it came out of my wife's <...gulp....> travel budget.

It was really an impulse purchase, but for $150 I couldn't let it go......

LOL! I came back for grins just in case to check... if it had my Seal Your Face sticker on the right meter bridge :rolleyes: I know. But WTF.. It could happen :)

I just looked for even just a hint of adhesive residue..........no such luck..... :)
Nice score. :thumbs up:
Little by little the home recording setup grows and takes on a life of its own!
You can't stop...it's not going to be possible. :D
Well look at that...! :D

Congratulations. I do hope it’s all working. I like the M-300 series consoles and am familiar with them...I can help (and others too I’m sure) if you are having any issues with it, and can help too as you learn it’s functions.

...I may have spare parts too if needed...;)