TYLER! Important CREST info!


New member
For anyone, like Tyler, considering the Crest XR mixer, someone over at HarmonyCentral just alerted me to a new 24 input (with 24 mic pres w/ indiv. phantom switches) model! Check it out:

Crest website
hey thanks,

took a look at it. unfortunately on the stereo channels, it has no direct outs and inserts, further increasing my problem. Oh well. thanks anyway. 16 channels is enough, and i'll just use the sytek for the last 4 channels, and then route back to the mixer for mixdown.

i have a funny feeling i'll end up mixing all on the computer for some reason. buttons and nobs are cool, but expensive. stupid digital crap. they need to figure out a way to capture the data in a way that EVERYTHING will be there! Just the way film is. It actually captures the light. We need to capture the vibrations. or we will continuously have to upgrade everything in oorder to acomidate for more precision.

maybe we could make titanium records that don't scratch or wear out. :D digital sucks, but so does analog, and i'm getting distracted.

Anyway...thanks for your help littledog