Two pretty song ideas, tackled in the digital domain


New member
Attempted something in digital, which was a 1976 Flamenco guitar in front of a behringer B1, into a Steingberg UR22. And the bass was plugged directly into the Steinberg. I routed the spring reverb on the guitar through the Steinberg's second channel. The sound is low-noise for sure, very differen't from analog direct-injection. When I plug my bass directly into my analog setup it doesn't sound as dull as this. Theres no eq

Hey man,

I think you're riding the "analog is better" hype train a bit hard. The reason it's dull is because you have a dull bass. I play a Jazz bass with a maple neck with a pick and the sound snaps at you like a viper if you DI it.
And yeah, it is very dull and boomy.

The whole mix was panned to the left for whatever reason.