Two new songs

Interesting sound to your voice and writing. You know who this really reminds me of?

Linda Perry from 4NonBlondes. You know there was that song "What's Going On" but there was a lot of other stuff on that album that reminds me of this.

I like the song and the style, good work. Good acoustic sound, the vox capture good emotion and originality. Don't be heartbroken, be happy. :)

After 11 people, you seem to be the only one that's even slightly interested in my work on the MP3 Mixing Clinic!!! Too weird...they won't even insult me! Sup with dat?
Thanks, that was a very nice critique!! :)

I really think you have some interesting stuff going on too. I agree about your voice--it's unique, and I like it quite a lot actually. Other than that, I'm in no position to offer much else, but I thought I'd make just one more person to give you some positive feedback! Keep on making that music.

Thanks for the compliment Kirstin! It's been tough getting response, so I really appreciate you checking me out.
Lynx....I am afraid to ask why you want to know my age?
Hey bdbdbucksKID

I listened to No Turnin' Round.

The stuff I liked:

1. Recording sounded very clean and well done.

2. I'm really digging your voice. Very nice sound.

3. I really like naked arrangements ;) (guitar & vocal - shame on you) :D

4. The acoustic guitar sounded great to me.

5. Possibly a very good hook if it is well developed.

The stuff I didn't so much like:

1. The first two verses of the song hit me as being one cliche after another. (act my age, not my IQ. Pain in the ass but i still love you. Pain in the ass, cut me some slack...)

2. The song seemed sort of disjointed to me. It seemed like a lot of snapshots, but not a movie. I really didn't get a sense of continuity from verse 1 to verse 2 to chorus....etc. I really never got a sense of what was going on in the song, or what the point of it was.

3. Some of the rhymes seemed a little forced to me. Style / Guile kind of sounded forced to me ....well maybe on another listen that's the only one that slapped me this time.

Why I'm looking over your shoulder:

1. I owe your Dad a review on something that I just haven't been getting around to. Actually listening now...maybe i can post one up before he notices I did yours first :D.

Nothing to be ashamed of here as far as I'm concerned. Plus I'm no YMMV. :)
No Turnin Round

Love the Vox. Love the Driving Acoustic. Clean BareBones Recording. You are getting there Sis. Each toon seems to be a better recording.

CR ><>

I enjoyed listening to this, alot. I prefered the two night stand. Listeing to your voice and guitar like this is the best. your rough is good, very good. Do you play out in bars? should do. Anyway, nice. Erland
you doin this at your place or fiddlin around over at dad`s? Sounds real smooth on these cuts. Guitar is smooth and singing is up and clear. Tight playing too. Very good energy in your singing..
Ironic hearing the first tune...
I came in yesterday a.m. from work while wife was scribblin on the "eternal list of shit to do" on the kitchen wall and I said "damn baby why don`t you cut the ol boy a lil slack?" :)

No worries, Jag touched on it. I've never heard a song throw out so many cliches out in such a short period of time and it just reminded me of myself as a teenager . Other than that, it was alright.

Thanks Guys, I am feeling mixed emotions!!!

Jagular and simplist lyric yet!!! But, it seems to work. I get more of a response from this song than any of my others. Thanks for your critique.

Axe and Toki...thanks for your continuing support and insight. Erland, thanks! are a friggin trip. You make ten posts in BBS and you think I am going to take anything you say with a grain of salt. How about this, how about a Post from you...I'd like to listen to your stuff and cannibalize it because I like you am a miserable piece of shit that can't be satisfied in life without insulting others....CONSTRUCTIVE critism would be nice...that would be provided that you had enough knowledge of music in the first place. So, in other words..."suck my balls" and thank you for your insight.
BTW your use of the word "pulllleeeezz" reminds me of what a tiney bopper might say with her little poof hair style and leg warmers...really, shouldn't you be in the barbie forum?
(p.s. if you are a male, God help you)
Please post your music!!!!!
Re: Wow!!!

bdbdbucksKID said:
Thanks Guys, I am feeling mixed emotions!!!

Jagular and simplist lyric yet!!! But, it seems to work. I get more of a response from this song than any of my others. Thanks for your critique.

Axe and Toki...thanks for your continuing support and insight. Erland, thanks! are a friggin trip. You make ten posts in BBS and you think I am going to take anything you say with a grain of salt. How about this, how about a Post from you...I'd like to listen to your stuff and cannibalize it because I like you am a miserable piece of shit that can't be satisfied in life without insulting others....CONSTRUCTIVE critism would be nice...that would be provided that you had enough knowledge of music in the first place. So, in other words..."suck my balls" and thank you for your insight.
BTW your use of the word "pulllleeeezz" reminds me of what a tiney bopper might say with her little poof hair style and leg warmers...really, shouldn't you be in the barbie forum?
(p.s. if you are a male, God help you)
Please post your music!!!!!

nice rant. this is a typical response by a sub-par musician to any type of criticism.

bzzzzzz. thanks for playing. next.
Re: Re: Wow!!!

super_critic said:
nice rant. this is a typical response by a sub-par musician to any type of criticism.

bzzzzzz. thanks for playing. next.

Next indeed! Let's hear what you got NOOB.


Unless you make a living a being a critic...I can say the same of you...really don't quit your day job whatever that may be (drive thru window perhaps?) And speaking of sub-par...I don't believe I called myself a professional musician. Are you a professional critic? Some critics choose that field of work because they FAILED....but wait no, you have no knowledge of music....maybe that is why you FAILED.
Really, I am sure you can make better use of those fingers than typing insults...I do sense a bit of sexual frustration there. Don't go away mad...just go away pullllleeeez!
Run off now...Barbie is feeling neglected :(
Hey look!We have ANOTHER Transvestite Troll in the forum who goes by the name super_critic!:rolleyes:

I really wish this place would get SOME form of a moderation to weed out these pussies like super_critic and ban them by IP Address no matter WHO they are or what OTHER user names they use.

You're a pussy super_critic.
Thanks Kramer

What the hell's this thing's problem anyway? Maybe the hormones aren't kicking know the hardest part of changing your sex is regulating those damned hormones!!!!